Source code for flatsurf.geometry.categories.similarity_surfaces

The category of similarity surfaces.

This module provides shared functionality for all surfaces in sage-flatsurf
that are built from Euclidean polygons that are glued by similarities, i.e.,
identified edges can be transformed into each other by application of rotation
and homothety (dilation) and translation.

See :mod:`flatsurf.geometry.categories` for a general description of the
category framework in sage-flatsurf.

Normally, you won't create this (or any other) category directly. The correct
category is automatically determined for immutable surfaces.


    sage: from flatsurf import MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface
    sage: C = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface(QQ).category()

    sage: from flatsurf.geometry.categories import SimilaritySurfaces
    sage: C.is_subcategory(SimilaritySurfaces())

The easiest way to construct a similarity surface is to use the constructions

    sage: from flatsurf import Polygon, similarity_surfaces
    sage: P = Polygon(vertices=[(0,0), (2,0), (1,4), (0,5)])
    sage: similarity_surfaces.self_glued_polygon(P)
    Half-Translation Surface in Q_0(0, -1^4) built from a quadrilateral

Another way is to build a surface from scratch (using e.g.

    sage: P = Polygon(vertices=[(0,0), (1,0), (1,1), (0,1)])
    sage: S = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface(QQ)
    sage: S.add_polygon(P)
    sage: S.add_polygon(2*P)
    sage: S.add_polygon(3*P)
    sage: S.glue((0, 1), (1, 3))
    sage: S.glue((0, 0), (2, 2))
    sage: S.glue((0, 2), (2, 0))
    sage: S.glue((0, 3), (1, 1))
    sage: S.glue((1, 2), (2, 1))
    sage: S.glue((1, 0), (2, 3))
    sage: S
    Surface built from 3 squares

To perform a sanity check on the obtained surface, you can run its test

    sage: TestSuite(S).run()

If there are no errors reported, no consistency problems could be detected in
your surface.

Once you mark the surface as immutable, it gets more functionality, e.g.,
coming from its structure as a translation surface. This also adds more tests
to its test suite::

    sage: S.category()
    Category of finite type oriented similarity surfaces
    sage: S.set_immutable()
    sage: S.category()
    Category of connected without boundary finite type oriented rational similarity surfaces

    sage: TestSuite(S).run()

In the following example, we attempt to build a broken surface by gluing more
than two edges to each other; however, edges get unglued automatically::

    sage: S = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface.from_surface(S)
    sage: S.glue((0, 0), (0, 3))
    sage: S.glue((0, 1), (0, 3))
    sage: S.glue((0, 2), (0, 3))

    sage: S.gluings()
    (((0, 2), (0, 3)), ((0, 3), (0, 2)), ((1, 0), (2, 3)), ((1, 2), (2, 1)), ((2, 1), (1, 2)), ((2, 3), (1, 0)))

    sage: S.set_immutable()
    sage: S.category()
    Category of with boundary finite type oriented rational similarity surfaces
    sage: TestSuite(S).run()

If we don't glue all the edges, we get a surface with boundary::

    sage: P = Polygon(vertices=[(0,0), (1,0), (1,1), (0,1)])
    sage: S = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface(QQ)
    sage: S.add_polygon(P)
    sage: TestSuite(S).run()

# ****************************************************************************
#  This file is part of sage-flatsurf.
#        Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Vincent Delecroix
#                      2023-2024 Julian Rüth
#  sage-flatsurf is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  sage-flatsurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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# ****************************************************************************

from flatsurf.geometry.categories.surface_category import (
from flatsurf.cache import cached_surface_method

from sage.categories.category_with_axiom import all_axioms
from sage.misc.cachefunc import cached_method
from sage.all import QQ, AA

[docs]class SimilaritySurfaces(SurfaceCategory): r""" The category of surfaces built from polygons with edges identified by similarities. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf.geometry.categories import SimilaritySurfaces sage: SimilaritySurfaces() Category of similarity surfaces """
[docs] def super_categories(self): r""" Return the categories that a similarity surface is also a member of, namely the surfaces formed by Euclidean polygons. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf.geometry.categories import SimilaritySurfaces sage: SimilaritySurfaces().super_categories() [Category of euclidean polygonal surfaces] """ from flatsurf.geometry.categories.euclidean_polygonal_surfaces import ( EuclideanPolygonalSurfaces, ) return [EuclideanPolygonalSurfaces()]
[docs] class ParentMethods: r""" Provides methods available to all surfaces that are built from Euclidean polygons that are glued by similarities. If you want to add functionality for such surfaces you most likely want to put it here. """
[docs] def refined_category(self): r""" Return the smallest subcategory that this surface is in by consulting how its edges are glued. The result of this method can be fed to ``_refine_category_`` to change the category of the surface (and enable functionality specific to the smaller classes of surfaces.) .. NOTE:: If a surface cannot implement the various ``is_`` methods used in the implementation of this method (i.e., if any of them throws a ``NotImplementedError``,) then this method ``refined_category`` must be overridden to skip that check. We don't want to actively catch a ``NotImplementedError`` and instead encourage authors to explicitly select the category their surfaces lives in. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface sage: S = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface(QQ) sage: from flatsurf import polygons sage: S.add_polygon(polygons.square(), label=0) 0 sage: S.refined_category() Category of connected with boundary finite type translation surfaces sage: S.glue((0, 0), (0, 2)) sage: S.glue((0, 1), (0, 3)) sage: S.refined_category() Category of connected without boundary finite type translation surfaces """ from flatsurf.geometry.categories.polygonal_surfaces import ( PolygonalSurfaces, ) category = PolygonalSurfaces.ParentMethods.refined_category(self) if self.is_cone_surface(): from flatsurf.geometry.categories.cone_surfaces import ConeSurfaces category &= ConeSurfaces() if self.is_dilation_surface(): from flatsurf.geometry.categories.dilation_surfaces import ( DilationSurfaces, ) category &= DilationSurfaces() if self.is_dilation_surface(positive=True): category &= DilationSurfaces().Positive() if self.is_translation_surface(): from flatsurf.geometry.categories.translation_surfaces import ( TranslationSurfaces, ) category &= TranslationSurfaces() elif self.is_translation_surface(positive=False): from flatsurf.geometry.categories.half_translation_surfaces import ( HalfTranslationSurfaces, ) category &= HalfTranslationSurfaces() if "Rational" not in category.axioms(): if self.is_rational_surface(): category = category.Rational() return category
[docs] def is_cone_surface(self): r""" Return whether this surface is a cone surface, i.e., glued edges can be transformed into each other with isometries. .. NOTE:: This is a stronger requirement than the usual definition of a cone surface, see :mod:`.cone_surfaces` for details. .. NOTE:: This method is used to determine whether this surface is in the category of :class:`~.cone_surfaces.ConeSurfaces`. Surfaces can override this method to perform specialized logic, see the note in :mod:`flatsurf.geometry.categories` for performance considerations. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import Polygon, similarity_surfaces sage: P = Polygon(vertices=[(0,0), (1,0), (1,1), (0,1)]) sage: S = similarity_surfaces.self_glued_polygon(P) sage: S.is_cone_surface() True """ if self.is_translation_surface(): return True from flatsurf.geometry.categories import ConeSurfaces return ConeSurfaces.ParentMethods._is_cone_surface(self)
[docs] def is_dilation_surface(self, positive=False): r""" Return whether this surface is a dilation surface, i.e., whether glued edges can be transformed into each other by translation followed by a dilation (multiplication by a diagonal matrix.) .. NOTE:: This method is used to determine whether this surface is in the category of :class:`~.dilation_surfaces.DilationSurfaces` or :class:`~.dilation_surfaces.DilationSurfaces.Positive`. Surfaces can override this method to perform specialized logic, see the note in :mod:`~flatsurf.geometry.categories` for performance considerations. INPUT: - ``positive`` -- a boolean (default: ``False``); whether the entries of the diagonal matrix must be positive or are allowed to be negative. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import Polygon, similarity_surfaces sage: P = Polygon(vertices=[(0,0), (2,0), (1,4), (0,5)]) sage: S = similarity_surfaces.self_glued_polygon(P) sage: S.is_dilation_surface() True sage: S.is_dilation_surface(positive=True) False """ if self.is_translation_surface(positive=positive): return True from flatsurf.geometry.categories import DilationSurfaces return DilationSurfaces.ParentMethods._is_dilation_surface( self, positive=positive )
[docs] def is_translation_surface(self, positive=True): r""" Return whether this surface is a translation surface, i.e., glued edges can be transformed into each other by translations. This method must be implemented if this surface is a dilation surface. .. NOTE:: This method is used to determine whether this surface is in the category of :class:`~.half_translation_surfaces.HalfTranslationSurfaces` or :class:`~.translation_surfaces.TranslationSurfaces`. Surfaces can override this method to perform specialized logic, see the note in :mod:`~flatsurf.geometry.categories` for performance considerations. INPUT: - ``positive`` -- a boolean (default: ``True``); whether the transformation must be a translation or is allowed to be a half-translation, i.e., a translation followed by a reflection in a point (equivalently, a rotation by π.) EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import Polygon, similarity_surfaces sage: P = Polygon(vertices=[(0,0), (1,0), (1,1), (0,1)]) sage: S = similarity_surfaces.self_glued_polygon(P) sage: S.is_translation_surface() False sage: S.is_translation_surface(False) True :: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: S = translation_surfaces.square_torus() sage: S.is_translation_surface() True """ from flatsurf.geometry.categories import TranslationSurfaces return TranslationSurfaces.ParentMethods._is_translation_surface( self, positive=positive )
[docs] def is_rational_surface(self): r""" Return whether this surface is a rational surface, i.e., the rotational part of all gluings is a rational multiple of π. .. NOTE:: This method is used to determine whether this surface satisfies the :class:`~.SimilaritySurfaces.Rational` axiom. Surfaces can override this method to perform specialized logic, see the note in :mod:`flatsurf.geometry.categories` for performance considerations. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import Polygon, similarity_surfaces sage: P = Polygon(vertices=[(0,0), (1,0), (1,1), (0,1)]) sage: S = similarity_surfaces.self_glued_polygon(P) sage: S.is_rational_surface() True """ if self.is_dilation_surface(positive=False): return True return SimilaritySurfaces.Rational.ParentMethods._is_rational_surface(self)
def _mul_(self, matrix, switch_sides=True): r""" EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: s = translation_surfaces.infinite_staircase() sage: s The infinite staircase sage: m=Matrix([[1,2],[0,1]]) sage: s2=m*s sage: TestSuite(s2).run() sage: s2.polygon(0) Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (1, 0), (3, 1), (2, 1)]) Testing multiplication by a matrix with negative determinant:: sage: from flatsurf import dilation_surfaces sage: ds1 = dilation_surfaces.genus_two_square(1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5) sage: ds1.polygon(0) Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (1/2, 0), (1, 1/3), (1, 1), (3/4, 1), (0, 4/5)]) sage: m = matrix(QQ, [[0, 1], [1, 0]]) # maps (x,y) to (y, x) sage: ds2 = m*ds1 sage: ds2.polygon(0) Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (4/5, 0), (1, 3/4), (1, 1), (1/3, 1), (0, 1/2)]) """ if not switch_sides: raise NotImplementedError from sage.structure.element import is_Matrix if not is_Matrix(matrix): raise NotImplementedError("only implemented for matrices") if not matrix.dimensions != (2, 2): raise NotImplementedError("only implemented for 2x2 matrices") from flatsurf.geometry.lazy import GL2RImageSurface return GL2RImageSurface(self, matrix)
[docs] class Oriented(SurfaceCategoryWithAxiom): r""" The category of oriented surfaces built from Euclidean polygons that are glued by similarities with the orientation compatible with the orientation of the real plane that polygons are defined in. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf.geometry.categories import SimilaritySurfaces sage: SimilaritySurfaces().Oriented() Category of oriented similarity surfaces """
[docs] class ElementMethods: r""" Provides methods available to all points of oriented similarity surfaces. If you want to add functionality for such surfaces, you most likely want to put it here. """
[docs] def angle(self, numerical=False): r""" Return the total angle at this point as a multiple of 2π. INPUT: - ``numerical`` -- a boolean (default: ``False``); whether to return a floating point approximation of the angle or its exact value. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import Polygon, similarity_surfaces sage: P = Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (2, 0), (1, 4), (0, 5)]) sage: S = similarity_surfaces.self_glued_polygon(P) sage: S(0, 0).angle() 1 sage: S(0, (1, 0)).angle() 1/2 sage: S(0, (1, 0)).angle(numerical=True) 0.500000000000000 TESTS: For mutable surfaces, the angles are not cached:: sage: from flatsurf import MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface sage: T = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface.from_surface(S) sage: T._refine_category_(S.category()) # make angle() available sage: T(0, 0).angle() 1 sage: T(0, 0).angle() is T(0, 0).angle() False :: sage: T.glue((0, 0), (0, 2)) sage: T(0, 0).angle() 3/8 .. SEEALSO:: :meth:`turns` for the number of full 2π turns at a point. """ if self.is_vertex(): return self.parent()._angle_vertex(self, numerical=numerical) from sage.all import QQ, RR ring = RR if numerical else QQ if self.is_in_edge_interior(): label, coordinates = self.representative() edge = ( self.parent() .polygon(label) .get_point_position(coordinates) .get_edge() ) opposite_edge = self.parent().opposite_edge(label, edge) if opposite_edge is None or opposite_edge == (label, edge): # The total angle at a self-glued or unglued edge is π. return ring(0.5) return
[docs] def turns(self, start_edge=None, start_holonomy=None): r""" Return the number of total 2π turns at this vertex. Returns a triple ``(turns, start, end)`` where ``turns`` is an integer, and ``start`` and ``end`` are vectors such that start is the vector at which we begin counting the turns, and ``end`` is the vector at which we stop counting the turns. If the total angle at this point is a multiple of 2π, then ``start`` and ``end`` are parallel. If the surface has no boundary, then ``start`` and ``end`` are holonomy vectors of the same edge of the surface. INPUT: - ``start_edge`` -- an edge or ``None`` (default: ``None``); a particular outgoing edge at which to start counting the turns. - ``start_holonomy`` -- a vector or ``None`` (default: ``None``); the holonomy that the first edge reported should use. If ``None``, then use the holonomy that the polygon edge reports normally. ALGORITHM: We count the half turns of angle π by walking around the vertex and counting how often the outgoing edges go between being clockwise and being counterclockwise from the ``start_edge``. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: S = translation_surfaces.square_torus() sage: S(0, 0).turns() (1, (0, -1), (0, -1)) sage: from flatsurf import Polygon, similarity_surfaces sage: P = Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (2, 0), (1, 4), (0, 5)]) sage: S = similarity_surfaces.self_glued_polygon(P) sage: S(0, 0).turns() (1, (-1, 1), (-1, 1)) sage: S(0, (1, 0)).turns() Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: point must be a vertex .. SEEALSO:: :meth:`angle` for the possibly non-integral number of turns at this point. """ if not self.is_vertex(): raise ValueError("point must be a vertex") edges = self.edges_ccw( start_edge=start_edge, start_holonomy=start_holonomy ) start = edges[0][1] half_turns = 0 vectors = [vector for (edge, vector) in edges[1::2]] for vector, previous in zip(vectors, [start] + vectors): from flatsurf.geometry.euclidean import ccw, is_parallel # This is a vertex at a concave vertex of a polygon (with # angle <2π.) So at least one π turn must have happened. if ccw(previous, vector) < 0: half_turns += 1 # Determine whether the turn from start to vector is # counterclockwise (0) or clockwise (1). If they are # orthogonal, we count parallel vectors as counterclockwise # and anti-parallel vectors as clockwise. ccw_start_vector = ( ccw(start, vector) or (1 if is_parallel(start, vector) else -1) ) > 0 ccw_start_previous = half_turns % 2 == 0 if ccw_start_vector != ccw_start_previous: half_turns += 1 return (half_turns // 2, start, vector)
[docs] def edges(self): r""" Return the edges of the polygons that contain this point. Implements :meth:`.polygonal_surfaces.PolygonalSurfaces.ElementMethods.edges` for similarity surfaces. """ return {edge for (edge, holonomy) in self.edges_ccw()}
[docs] def edges_ccw(self, start_edge=None, start_holonomy=None): r""" Return the edges of the polygons that are crossed when walking around this point in counterclockwise direction. Each edge is reported together with its holonomy vector in the coordinate system of the ``start_edge``. Each edge is reported "twice", once when leaving a polygon, and once when entering a polygon. INPUT: - ``start_edge`` -- an edge or ``None`` (default: ``None``); a particular outgoing edge at which to start the walk. - ``start_holonomy`` -- a vector or ``None`` (default: ``None``); the holonomy that the first edge reported should use. If ``None``, then use the holonomy that the polygon edge reports normally. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import Polygon, similarity_surfaces sage: P = Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (2, 0), (1, 4), (0, 5)]) sage: S = similarity_surfaces.self_glued_polygon(P) sage: S(0, 0).edges_ccw() [((0, 2), (-1, 1)), ((0, 1), (1, -4)), ((0, 1), (1, -4)), ((0, 0), (2, 0)), ((0, 0), (2, 0)), ((0, 3), (0, 5)), ((0, 3), (0, 5)), ((0, 2), (-1, 1))] sage: S(0, 0).edges_ccw(start_edge=(0, 0)) [((0, 0), (2, 0)), ((0, 3), (0, 5)), ((0, 3), (0, 5)), ((0, 2), (-1, 1)), ((0, 2), (-1, 1)), ((0, 1), (1, -4)), ((0, 1), (1, -4)), ((0, 0), (2, 0))] sage: S(0, 0).edges_ccw(start_holonomy=(1, 0)) [((0, 2), (1, 0)), ((0, 1), (-5/2, 3/2)), ((0, 1), (-5/2, 3/2)), ((0, 0), (-1, -1)), ((0, 0), (-1, -1)), ((0, 3), (5/2, -5/2)), ((0, 3), (5/2, -5/2)), ((0, 2), (1, 0))] .. SEEALSO:: :meth:`edges` for the edges containing this point in no particular order. """ S = self.parent() label, coordinates = self.representative() position = S.polygon(label).get_point_position(coordinates) if position.is_in_interior(): return [] if position.is_in_edge_interior(): return self._edges_ccw_edge( start_edge=start_edge, start_holonomy=start_holonomy ) return self._edges_ccw_vertex( start_edge=start_edge, start_holonomy=start_holonomy )
def _test_edges_ccw(self, **options): r""" Verify that :meth:`edges_ccw` is implemented correctly. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: S = translation_surfaces.square_torus() sage: S(0, 0)._test_edges_ccw() """ tester = self._tester(**options) edges = self.edges_ccw() tester.assertTrue(len(edges) % 2 == 0) for e, f in zip(edges[1::2], edges[2::2]): tester.assertEqual(e[1], f[1]) for e, f in zip(edges[::2], edges[1::2]): from flatsurf.geometry.euclidean import is_parallel tester.assertFalse(is_parallel(e[1], f[1])) def _edges_ccw_edge(self, start_edge=None, start_holonomy=None): r""" Return the edges that are crossed when walking around this point on an edge. This is a helper method for :meth:`edges_ccw`. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: S = translation_surfaces.square_torus() sage: S(0, (1/2, 0))._edges_ccw_edge() [((0, 2), (-1, 0)), ((0, 0), (1, 0))] """ S = self.parent() label, coordinates = self.representative() if start_edge is None: position = S.polygon(label).get_point_position(coordinates) start_edge = label, position.get_edge() if start_holonomy is None: start_holonomy = S.polygon(start_edge[0]).edge(start_edge[1]) else: start_holonomy = (S.base_ring() ** 2)(start_holonomy) opposite = S.opposite_edge(*start_edge) if opposite is None or opposite == start_edge: return [(start_edge, start_holonomy)] return [(start_edge, start_holonomy), (opposite, -start_holonomy)] def _edges_ccw_vertex(self, start_edge=None, start_holonomy=None): r""" Return the edges that are crossed when walking around this point at a vertex. This is a helper method for :meth:`edges_ccw`. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: S = translation_surfaces.square_torus() sage: S(0, 0)._edges_ccw_vertex() [((0, 3), (0, -1)), ((0, 2), (1, 0)), ((0, 0), (1, 0)), ((0, 3), (0, 1)), ((0, 1), (0, 1)), ((0, 0), (-1, 0)), ((0, 2), (-1, 0)), ((0, 1), (0, -1))] """ S = self.parent() if start_edge is None: label, coordinates = self.representative() initial = ( label, S.polygon(label).get_point_position(coordinates).get_vertex(), ) start_edge = initial while True: opposite = S.opposite_edge(*start_edge) if opposite is None: break start_edge = opposite[0], (opposite[1] + 1) % len( S.polygon(opposite[0]).vertices() ) if start_edge == initial: break if start_holonomy is None: start_holonomy = S.polygon(start_edge[0]).edge(start_edge[1]) else: start_holonomy = (S.base_ring() ** 2)(start_holonomy) from flatsurf.geometry.similarity import similarity_from_vectors similarity = similarity_from_vectors( S.polygon(start_edge[0]).edge(start_edge[1]), start_holonomy ) edges = [(start_edge, start_holonomy)] while True: exit_edge = ( edges[-1][0][0], (edges[-1][0][1] - 1) % len(S.polygon(edges[-1][0][0]).vertices()), ) exit_holonomy = -similarity * S.polygon(exit_edge[0]).edge( exit_edge[1] ) edges.append((exit_edge, exit_holonomy)) enter_edge = S.opposite_edge(*exit_edge) if enter_edge is None: if S.opposite_edge(*start_edge) is not None: raise ValueError( "start_edge must be set to the most clockwise edge at this vertex on the boundary" ) break similarity *= S.edge_transformation(*enter_edge).derivative() if enter_edge == start_edge: break enter_holonomy = similarity * S.polygon(enter_edge[0]).edge( enter_edge[1] ) edges.append((enter_edge, enter_holonomy)) return edges
[docs] class ParentMethods: r""" Provides methods available to all oriented surfaces that are built from Euclidean polygons that are glued by similarities. If you want to add functionality for such surfaces you most likely want to put it here. """
[docs] def some_elements(self): r""" Return some typical points of this surface (for testing). EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: S = translation_surfaces.square_torus() sage: list(S.some_elements()) [Point (1/2, 1/2) of polygon 0, Vertex 0 of polygon 0] """ from itertools import islice for label in islice(self.labels(), 32): polygon = self.polygon(label) from sage.categories.all import Fields if polygon.is_convex() and self.base_ring() in Fields(): point = self( # pylint: disable=not-callable label, polygon.centroid() ) else: point = self( # pylint: disable=not-callable label, polygon.vertex(0) + polygon.edge(0) / 2 ) yield point if self.is_finite_type(): yield from self.vertices()
[docs] def angles(self, numerical=False, return_adjacent_edges=None): r""" Return the angles around the vertices of the surface as multiples of 2π. INPUT: - ``numerical`` -- a boolean (default: ``False``); whether the angles are returned as floating point numbers or as exact algebraic numbers. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import polygons, similarity_surfaces, translation_surfaces sage: T = polygons.triangle(3, 4, 5) sage: S = similarity_surfaces.billiard(T) sage: S.angles() [1/4, 5/12, 1/3] sage: S.angles(numerical=True) # abs tol 1e-14 [0.25, 0.4166666666666667, 0.33333333333333337] sage: S.angles(return_adjacent_edges=True) doctest:warning ... UserWarning: return_adjacent_edges has been deprecated as a keyword argument to angles() and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf; use angle() and edges_ccw()[::2] on each vertex instead. [(1/4, [(0, 0), (1, 0)]), (5/12, [(0, 2), (1, 1)]), (1/3, [(0, 1), (1, 2)])] :: sage: translation_surfaces.regular_octagon().angles() [3] sage: S = translation_surfaces.veech_2n_gon(5) sage: S.angles() [2, 2] sage: S.angles(numerical=True) [2.0, 2.0] sage: S.angles(return_adjacent_edges=True) # random output [(2, [(0, 1), (0, 5), (0, 9), (0, 3), (0, 7)]), (2, [(0, 0), (0, 4), (0, 8), (0, 2), (0, 6)])] sage: S.angles(numerical=True, return_adjacent_edges=True) # random output [(2.0, [(0, 1), (0, 5), (0, 9), (0, 3), (0, 7)]), (2.0, [(0, 0), (0, 4), (0, 8), (0, 2), (0, 6)])] sage: translation_surfaces.veech_2n_gon(6).angles() [5] sage: translation_surfaces.veech_double_n_gon(5).angles() [3] sage: translation_surfaces.cathedral(1, 1).angles() [3, 3, 3] sage: from flatsurf import polygons, similarity_surfaces sage: B = similarity_surfaces.billiard(polygons.triangle(1, 2, 5)) sage: H = B.minimal_cover(cover_type="half-translation") sage: S = B.minimal_cover(cover_type="translation") sage: H.angles() [1/2, 1/2, 1/2, 5/2] sage: S.angles() [1, 1, 5, 1] sage: H.angles(return_adjacent_edges=True) [(1/2, [...]), (1/2, [...]), (1/2, [...]), (5/2, [...])] sage: S.angles(return_adjacent_edges=True) [(1, [...]), (1, [...]), (5, [...]), (1, [...])] For self-glued edges, no angle is reported for the "vertex" at the midpoint of the edge:: sage: from flatsurf import Polygon, similarity_surfaces sage: P = Polygon(vertices=[(0,0), (2,0), (1,4), (0,5)]) sage: S = similarity_surfaces.self_glued_polygon(P) sage: S.angles() [1] Non-convex examples:: sage: from flatsurf import Polygon, MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface sage: S = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface(QQ) sage: L = Polygon(vertices=[(0,0),(1,0),(2,0),(2,1),(1,1),(1,2),(0,2),(0,1)]) sage: S.add_polygon(L) 0 sage: S.glue((0, 0), (0, 5)) sage: S.glue((0, 1), (0, 3)) sage: S.glue((0, 2), (0, 7)) sage: S.glue((0, 4), (0, 6)) sage: S.set_immutable() sage: S.angles() [3] sage: S = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface(QQ) sage: P = Polygon(vertices=[(0,0),(1,0),(2,0),(2,1),(3,1),(3,2),(2,2),(1,2),(1,1),(0,1)]) sage: S.add_polygon(P) 0 sage: S.glue((0, 0), (0, 8)) sage: S.glue((0, 1), (0, 6)) sage: S.glue((0, 2), (0, 9)) sage: S.glue((0, 3), (0, 5)) sage: S.glue((0, 4), (0, 7)) sage: S.set_immutable() sage: S.angles() [2, 2] Angles can also be determined for surfaces with boundary:: sage: from flatsurf import MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface sage: P = Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 2)]) sage: S = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface(QQ) sage: S.add_polygon(P) 0 sage: S.set_immutable() sage: S.angles() [1/4, 1/4, 3/8, 1/8] """ if return_adjacent_edges is not None: if return_adjacent_edges: import warnings warnings.warn( "return_adjacent_edges has been deprecated as a keyword argument to angles() and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf; use angle() and edges_ccw()[::2] on each vertex instead." ) return [ ( p.angle(numerical=numerical), [e for (e, h) in p.edges_ccw()[::2]], ) for p in self.vertices() ] import warnings warnings.warn( "return_adjacent_edges has been deprecated as a keyword argument to angles() and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf; omit the argument to not include the edges instead." ) return [p.angle(numerical=numerical) for p in self.vertices()]
@cached_surface_method def _angle_vertex(self, vertex, numerical): r""" Return the total angle at this vertex in multiples of 2π. INPUT: - ``numerical`` -- a boolean; whether to return the angle as a floating point number. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import Polygon, similarity_surfaces sage: P = Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (2, 0), (1, 4), (0, 5)]) sage: S = similarity_surfaces.self_glued_polygon(P) sage: S._angle_vertex(S(0, 0), numerical=False) 1 """ turns, start, end = vertex.turns() from flatsurf.geometry.euclidean import angle return turns + angle(start, end, numerical=numerical)
[docs] @cached_surface_method def edge_matrix(self, p, e=None): r""" Returns the 2x2 matrix representing a similarity which when applied to the polygon with label `p` makes it so the edge `e` can be glued to its opposite edge by translation. If `e` is not provided, then `p` should be a pair consisting of a polygon label and an edge. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf.geometry.similarity_surface_generators import SimilaritySurfaceGenerators sage: s = SimilaritySurfaceGenerators.example() sage: s.polygon(0) Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (2, -2), (2, 0)]) sage: s.polygon(1) Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (2, 0), (1, 3)]) sage: s.opposite_edge(0,0) (1, 1) sage: m = s.edge_matrix(0, 0) sage: m [ 1 1/2] [-1/2 1] sage: m * vector((2,-2)) == -vector((-1, 3)) True """ if e is None: import warnings warnings.warn( "passing only a single tuple argument to edge_matrix() has been deprecated and will be deprecated in a future version of sage-flatsurf; pass the label and edge index as separate arguments instead" ) p, e = p u = self.polygon(p).edge(e) pp, ee = self.opposite_edge(p, e) v = self.polygon(pp).edge(ee) # note the orientation, it is -v and not v from flatsurf.geometry.similarity import similarity_from_vectors from sage.matrix.matrix_space import MatrixSpace return similarity_from_vectors(u, -v, MatrixSpace(self.base_ring(), 2))
[docs] def underlying_surface(self): r""" Return this surface. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface sage: S = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface(QQ) sage: S.underlying_surface() is S doctest:warning ... UserWarning: underlying_surface() has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf; this function has no effect anymore since there is no distinction between a surface and its underlying surface anymore True """ import warnings warnings.warn( "underlying_surface() has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf; this function has no effect anymore since there is no distinction between a surface and its underlying surface anymore" ) return self
[docs] def edge_transformation(self, p, e): r""" Return the similarity bringing the provided edge to the opposite edge. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf.geometry.similarity_surface_generators import SimilaritySurfaceGenerators sage: s = SimilaritySurfaceGenerators.example() sage: s.polygon(0) Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (2, -2), (2, 0)]) sage: s.polygon(1) Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (2, 0), (1, 3)]) sage: s.opposite_edge(0,0) (1, 1) sage: g = s.edge_transformation(0,0) sage: g((0,0)) (1, 3) sage: g((2,-2)) (2, 0) """ from flatsurf.geometry.similarity import SimilarityGroup G = SimilarityGroup(self.base_ring()) q = self.polygon(p) a = q.vertex(e) b = q.vertex(e + 1) # This is the similarity carrying the origin to a and (1,0) to b: g = G(b[0] - a[0], b[1] - a[1], a[0], a[1]) pp, ee = self.opposite_edge(p, e) qq = self.polygon(pp) # Be careful here: opposite vertices are identified aa = qq.vertex(ee + 1) bb = qq.vertex(ee) # This is the similarity carrying the origin to aa and (1,0) to bb: gg = G(bb[0] - aa[0], bb[1] - aa[1], aa[0], aa[1]) # This is the similarity carrying (a,b) to (aa,bb): return gg / g
[docs] def set_vertex_zero(self, label, v, in_place=False): r""" Applies a combinatorial rotation to the polygon with the provided label. This makes what is currently vertex v of this polygon vertex 0. In other words, what is currently vertex (or edge) e will now become vertex (e-v)%n where n is the number of sides of the polygon. For the updated polygons, the polygons will be translated so that vertex 0 is the origin. EXAMPLES: Example with polygon glued to another polygon:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: s = translation_surfaces.veech_double_n_gon(4) sage: s.polygon(0) Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)]) sage: [s.opposite_edge(0,i) for i in range(4)] [(1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3)] sage: ss = s.set_vertex_zero(0,1) sage: ss.polygon(0) Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (0, 1), (-1, 1), (-1, 0)]) sage: [ss.opposite_edge(0,i) for i in range(4)] [(1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 0)] sage: TestSuite(ss).run() Example with polygon glued to self:: sage: s = translation_surfaces.veech_2n_gon(2) sage: s.polygon(0) Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)]) sage: [s.opposite_edge(0,i) for i in range(4)] [(0, 2), (0, 3), (0, 0), (0, 1)] sage: ss = s.set_vertex_zero(0,3) sage: ss.polygon(0) Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (0, -1), (1, -1), (1, 0)]) sage: [ss.opposite_edge(0,i) for i in range(4)] [(0, 2), (0, 3), (0, 0), (0, 1)] sage: TestSuite(ss).run() """ if in_place: raise NotImplementedError( "this surface does not support set_vertex_zero(mutable=True)" ) from flatsurf.geometry.surface import ( MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface, ) s = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface.from_surface(self) s.set_vertex_zero(label, v, in_place=True) s.set_immutable() return s
[docs] def relabel(self, relabeling=None, in_place=False): r""" Return a surface whose polygons have been relabeled according to ``relabeling``. INPUT: - ``relabeling`` -- a dict, a callable, or ``None`` (default: ``None``); the mapping from labels of this surface to labels of the relabeled surface. If ``None``, then relabel to the non-negative integers. - ``in_place`` -- a boolean (default: ``False``); whether to modify this surface or return a relabeled copy instead. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: S = translation_surfaces.veech_double_n_gon(5) sage: SS = S.relabel({0: 1, 1: 2}) sage: SS Translation Surface in H_2(2) built from 2 regular pentagons sage: SS.root() 1 sage: SS.opposite_edge(1, 0) (2, 0) sage: TestSuite(SS).run() The relabeling can also be a callable:: sage: SSS = SS.relabel(lambda label: label -1) sage: SSS == S True However, this is only supported on finite-type surfaces:: sage: S = translation_surfaces.infinite_staircase() sage: S.labels() (0, 1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3, 4, -4, 5, -5, 6, -6, 7, -7, 8, …) sage: S.relabel(lambda label: -label) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError: cannot relabel a surface with an infinite number of polygons with a callable relabeling yet :: sage: S.relabel({1: 'X'}) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError: cannot relabel a surface with an infinite number of polygons with a dict relabeling yet For infinite surfaces, we only support relabeling to the non-negative integers: sage: S.relabel().labels() (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, …) """ if in_place: raise NotImplementedError( "this surface does not implement relabel(in_place=True) yet" ) if not self.is_finite_type(): if callable(relabeling): # We do not support this because the resulting surface would not be picklable. # If you need this, implement a subclass of the LazyRelabeledSurface. raise NotImplementedError( "cannot relabel a surface with an infinite number of polygons with a callable relabeling yet" ) if relabeling is not None: # It would not be difficult to add this to # LazyRelabeledSurface but so far we did not need it. raise NotImplementedError( "cannot relabel a surface with an infinite number of polygons with a dict relabeling yet" ) from flatsurf.geometry.lazy import LazyRelabeledSurface return LazyRelabeledSurface(self) from flatsurf.geometry.surface import ( MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface, ) S = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface.from_surface(self) S = S.relabel(relabeling=relabeling, in_place=True) S.set_immutable() return S
[docs] def copy( self, relabel=False, mutable=False, lazy=None, new_field=None, optimal_number_field=False, ): r""" Returns a copy of this surface. The method takes several flags to modify how the copy is taken. If relabel is True, then instead of returning an exact copy, it returns a copy indexed by the non-negative integers. This uses the Surface_list implementation. If relabel is False (default), then we return an exact copy. The returned surface uses the Surface_dict implementation. The mutability flag returns if the resulting surface should be mutable or not. By default, the resulting surface will not be mutable. If lazy is True, then the surface is copied by reference. This is the only type of copy possible for infinite surfaces. The parameter defaults to False for finite surfaces, and defaults to True for infinite surfaces. The new_field parameter can be used to place the vertices in a larger field than the basefield for the original surface. The optimal_number_field option can be used to find a best NumberField containing the (necessarily finite) surface. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: ss=translation_surfaces.ward(3) sage: ss.is_mutable() False sage: s=ss.copy(mutable=True) doctest:warning ... UserWarning: copy() has been deprecated and will be removed from a future version of sage-flatsurf; for surfaces of finite type use MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface.from_surface() instead. sage: s.is_mutable() True sage: TestSuite(s).run() sage: s == ss False Changing the base field:: sage: s=translation_surfaces.veech_double_n_gon(5) sage: ss=s.copy(mutable=False,new_field=AA) doctest:warning ... UserWarning: copy() has been deprecated and will be removed from a future version of sage-flatsurf; for surfaces of finite type use MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface.from_surface() instead. Use set_immutable() to make the resulting surface immutable. Use change_ring() to change the field over which the surface is defined. sage: TestSuite(ss).run() sage: ss.base_ring() Algebraic Real Field Optimization of number field:: sage: s = translation_surfaces.arnoux_yoccoz(3) sage: ss = s.copy(new_field=AA).copy(optimal_number_field=True) doctest:warning ... UserWarning: copy() has been deprecated and will be removed from a future version of sage-flatsurf; for surfaces of finite type use MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface.from_surface() instead. Use set_immutable() to make the resulting surface immutable. Use change_ring() to change the field over which the surface is defined. doctest:warning ... UserWarning: copy() has been deprecated and will be removed from a future version of sage-flatsurf; for surfaces of finite type use MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface.from_surface() instead. Use set_immutable() to make the resulting surface immutable. There is currently no replacement for optimal number field. If you are relying on this features, let the authors of sage-flatsurf know and we will try to make it available again. sage: TestSuite(ss).run() sage: ss.base_ring().discriminant() -44 """ message = "copy() has been deprecated and will be removed from a future version of sage-flatsurf; for surfaces of finite type use MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface.from_surface() instead." if not mutable: message += ( " Use set_immutable() to make the resulting surface immutable." ) if relabel: message += " Use relabel({old: new for (new, old) in enumerate(surface.labels())}) for integer labels." if not self.is_finite_type(): message += " However, there is no immediate replacement for lazy copying of infinite surfaces. Have a look at the implementation of flatsurf.geometry.delaunay.LazyMutableSurface and adapt it to your needs." if new_field is not None: message += " Use change_ring() to change the field over which the surface is defined." if optimal_number_field: message += " There is currently no replacement for optimal number field. If you are relying on this features, let the authors of sage-flatsurf know and we will try to make it available again." import warnings warnings.warn(message) category = self.category() s = None # This will be the surface we copy. (Likely we will set s=self below.) if new_field is not None and optimal_number_field: raise ValueError( "You can not set a new_field and also set optimal_number_field=True." ) if optimal_number_field is True: if not self.is_finite_type(): raise NotImplementedError( "can only optimize_number_field for a finite surface" ) if lazy: raise NotImplementedError( "lazy copying is unavailable when optimize_number_field=True" ) coordinates_AA = [] for label, p in zip(self.labels(), self.polygons()): for e in p.edges(): coordinates_AA.append(AA(e[0])) coordinates_AA.append(AA(e[1])) from sage.rings.qqbar import number_field_elements_from_algebraics field, coordinates_NF, hom = number_field_elements_from_algebraics( coordinates_AA, minimal=True ) if field is QQ: new_field = QQ # We pretend new_field = QQ was passed as a parameter. # It will now get picked up by the "if new_field is not None:" line below. else: # Unfortunately field doesn't come with an real embedding (which is given by hom!) # So, we make a copy of the field, and add the embedding. from sage.all import NumberField field2 = NumberField( field.polynomial(), name="a", embedding=hom(field.gen()) ) # The following converts from field to field2: hom2 = field.hom(im_gens=[field2.gen()]) from flatsurf.geometry.surface import ( MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface, ) ss = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface(field2) index = 0 from flatsurf import Polygon for label, p in zip(self.labels(), self.polygons()): new_edges = [] for i in range(len(p.vertices())): new_edges.append( ( hom2(coordinates_NF[index]), hom2(coordinates_NF[index + 1]), ) ) index += 2 pp = Polygon(edges=new_edges, base_ring=field2) ss.add_polygon(pp, label=label) ss.set_roots(self.roots()) for (l1, e1), (l2, e2) in self.gluings(): ss.glue((l1, e1), (l2, e2)) s = ss if not relabel: if not mutable: s.set_immutable() return s # Otherwise we are supposed to relabel. We will make a relabeled copy of s below. if new_field is not None: s = self.change_ring(new_field) if s is None: s = self if s.is_finite_type(): if relabel: from flatsurf.geometry.surface import Surface_list return Surface_list( surface=s, copy=not lazy, mutable=mutable, category=category, deprecation_warning=False, ) else: from flatsurf.geometry.surface import Surface_dict return Surface_dict( surface=s, copy=not lazy, mutable=mutable, category=category, deprecation_warning=False, ) else: if lazy is False: raise ValueError( "Only lazy copying available for infinite surfaces." ) if self.is_mutable(): raise ValueError( "An infinite surface can only be copied if it is immutable." ) if relabel: from flatsurf.geometry.surface import Surface_list return Surface_list( surface=s, copy=False, mutable=mutable, category=category, deprecation_warning=False, ) else: from flatsurf.geometry.surface import Surface_dict return Surface_dict( surface=s, copy=False, mutable=mutable, category=category, deprecation_warning=False, )
[docs] def change_ring(self, ring): r""" Return a copy of this surface whose polygons are defined over ``ring``. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: S = translation_surfaces.veech_2n_gon(4) sage: T = S.change_ring(AA) sage: T.base_ring() Algebraic Real Field """ from flatsurf.geometry.surface import BaseRingChangedSurface return BaseRingChangedSurface(self, ring)
[docs] def triangle_flip(self, l1, e1, in_place=False, test=False, direction=None): r""" Flips the diagonal of the quadrilateral formed by two triangles glued together along the provided edge (l1,e1). This can be broken into two steps: join along the edge to form a convex quadilateral, then cut along the other diagonal. Raises a ValueError if this quadrilateral would be non-convex. In this case no changes to the surface are made. The direction parameter defaults to (0,1). This is used to decide how the triangles being glued in are labeled. Let p1 be the triangle associated to label l1, and p2 be the triangle associated to l2 but moved by a similarity to share the edge (l1,e1). Each triangle has a exactly one separatrix leaving a vertex which travels in the provided direction or its opposite. (For edges we only count as sepatrices traveling counter-clockwise around the triangle.) This holds for p1 and p2 and the separatrices must point in opposite directions. The above description gives two new triangles t1 and t2 which must be glued in (obtained by flipping the diagonal of the quadrilateral). Up to swapping t1 and t2 we can assume the separatrix in t1 in the provided direction (or its opposite) points in the same direction as that of p1. Further up to cyclic permutation of vertex labels we can assume that the separatrices in p1 and t1 start at the vertex with the same index (an element of {0,1,2}). The same can be done for p2 and t2. We apply the label l1 to t1 and the label l2 to t2. This precisely determines how t1 and t2 should be used to replace p1 and p2. INPUT: - ``l1`` - label of polygon - ``e1`` - (integer) edge of the polygon - ``in_place`` (boolean) - If True do the flip to the current surface which must be mutable. In this case the updated surface will be returned. Otherwise a mutable copy is made and then an edge is flipped, which is then returned. - ``test`` (boolean) - If True we don't actually flip, and we return True or False depending on whether or not the flip would be successful. - ``direction`` (2-dimensional vector) - Defaults to (0,1). The choice of this vector determines how the newly added triangles are labeled. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import similarity_surfaces, MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface, Polygon sage: s = similarity_surfaces.right_angle_triangle(ZZ(1),ZZ(1)) sage: s.polygon(0) Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1)]) sage: s.triangle_flip(0, 0, test=True) False sage: s.triangle_flip(0, 1, test=True) True sage: s.triangle_flip(0, 2, test=True) False sage: s = similarity_surfaces.right_angle_triangle(ZZ(1),ZZ(1)) sage: s = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface.from_surface(s) sage: s.triangle_flip(0, 0, in_place=True) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Gluing triangles along this edge yields a non-convex quadrilateral. sage: s.triangle_flip(0,1,in_place=True) Rational Cone Surface built from 2 isosceles triangles sage: s.polygon(0) Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)]) sage: s.polygon(1) Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (-1, -1), (0, -1)]) sage: s.gluings() (((0, 0), (1, 0)), ((0, 1), (0, 2)), ((0, 2), (0, 1)), ((1, 0), (0, 0)), ((1, 1), (1, 2)), ((1, 2), (1, 1))) sage: s.triangle_flip(0,2,in_place=True) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Gluing triangles along this edge yields a non-convex quadrilateral. sage: p = Polygon(edges=[(2,0),(-1,3),(-1,-3)]) sage: s = similarity_surfaces.self_glued_polygon(p) sage: s = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface.from_surface(s) sage: s.triangle_flip(0,1,in_place=True) Half-Translation Surface built from a triangle sage: s.set_immutable() sage: from flatsurf.geometry.categories import DilationSurfaces sage: s in DilationSurfaces() True sage: s.labels() (0,) sage: s.polygons() (Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (-3, -3), (-1, -3)]),) sage: s.gluings() (((0, 0), (0, 0)), ((0, 1), (0, 1)), ((0, 2), (0, 2))) sage: TestSuite(s).run() """ if test: # Just test if the flip would be successful p1 = self.polygon(l1) if not len(p1.vertices()) == 3: return False l2, e2 = self.opposite_edge(l1, e1) p2 = self.polygon(l2) if not len(p2.vertices()) == 3: return False sim = self.edge_transformation(l2, e2) hol = sim(p2.vertex((e2 + 2) % 3) - p1.vertex((e1 + 2) % 3)) from flatsurf.geometry.euclidean import ccw return ( ccw(p1.edge((e1 + 2) % 3), hol) > 0 and ccw(p1.edge((e1 + 1) % 3), hol) > 0 ) if in_place: raise NotImplementedError( "this surface does not support triangle_flip(in_place=True) yet" ) from flatsurf.geometry.surface import ( MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface, ) s = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface.from_surface(self) s.triangle_flip( l1=l1, e1=e1, in_place=True, test=test, direction=direction ) s.set_immutable() return s
[docs] def is_convex(self, label, edge, strict=False): r""" Return whether the polygon with ``label`` is convex after it has been glued with the polygon across its ``edge``. INPUT: - ``label`` -- a label of a polygon in this surface - ``edge`` -- the index of an edge of the polygon with ``label`` - ``strict`` -- a boolean (default: ``False``); whether to determine that the polygon is strictly convex, i.e., none of its inner angles greater or equal than π. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: S = translation_surfaces.mcmullen_L(1, 1, 1, 1) sage: S.is_convex(0, 0) True sage: S.is_convex(0, 0, strict=True) False sage: S.is_convex(2, 0) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: edge must be joining two different polygons """ opposite_label, opposite_edge = self.opposite_edge(label, edge) if opposite_label == label: raise ValueError("edge must be joining two different polygons") p1 = self.polygon(label) from flatsurf import Polygon sim = self.edge_transformation(opposite_label, opposite_edge) p2 = self.polygon(opposite_label) p2 = Polygon( vertices=[sim(v) for v in p2.vertices()], base_ring=p1.base_ring() ) p = p1.join(p2, edge, opposite_edge) return p.is_convex(strict=strict)
[docs] def random_flip(self, repeat=1, in_place=False): r""" Perform random edge flip on a triangulated surface. INPUT: - ``repeat`` -- integer (default ``1``). The number of edge flip to perform. - ``in_place`` -- whether the transformation is done in place. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: ss = translation_surfaces.ward(3).triangulate() sage: ss.random_flip(15) # random Translation Surface in H_1(0^3) built from 6 triangles """ if not self.is_triangulated(): raise ValueError("random_flip only works for triangulated surfaces") if not in_place: from flatsurf.geometry.surface import ( MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface, ) self = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface.from_surface(self) labels = list(self.labels()) i = 0 from sage.misc.prandom import choice while i < repeat: p1 = choice(labels) e1 = choice(range(3)) if not self.triangle_flip(p1, e1, test=True): continue self.triangle_flip(p1, e1, in_place=True) i += 1 if not in_place: self.set_immutable() return self
[docs] def join_polygons(self, p1, e1, test=False, in_place=False): r""" Join polygons across the provided edge (p1,e1). By default, it returns the surface obtained by joining the two polygons together. It raises a ValueError if gluing the two polygons together results in a non-convex polygon. This is done to the current surface if in_place is True, and otherwise a mutable copy is made and then modified. If test is True then instead of changing the surface, it just checks to see if the change would be successful and returns True if successful or False if not. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces, MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface sage: ss = translation_surfaces.ward(3) sage: s = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface.from_surface(ss) sage: s.join_polygons(0,0, in_place=True) Translation Surface built from an equilateral triangle and a pentagon with 2 marked vertices sage: s.polygon(0) Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (1, -a), (2, 0), (3, a), (2, 2*a), (0, 2*a), (-1, a)]) sage: s.join_polygons(0,4, in_place=True) Translation Surface built from a rhombus sage: s.polygon(0) Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (1, -a), (2, 0), (3, a), (2, 2*a), (1, 3*a), (0, 2*a), (-1, a)]) TESTS:: sage: from flatsurf.geometry.categories import TranslationSurfaces sage: s.set_immutable() sage: s in TranslationSurfaces() True """ if test: in_place = False if in_place: raise NotImplementedError( "this surface does not implement join_polygons(in_place=True) yet" ) if not test: from flatsurf.geometry.surface import ( MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface, ) s = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface.from_surface(self) s.join_polygons(p1=p1, e1=e1, test=False, in_place=True) s.set_immutable() return s poly1 = self.polygon(p1) p2, e2 = self.opposite_edge(p1, e1) poly2 = self.polygon(p2) if p1 == p2: return False t = self.edge_transformation(p2, e2) dt = t.derivative() es = [] for i in range(e1): es.append(poly1.edge(i)) ne = len(poly2.vertices()) for i in range(1, ne): ee = (e2 + i) % ne es.append(dt * poly2.edge(ee)) for i in range(e1 + 1, len(poly1.vertices())): es.append(poly1.edge(i)) try: from flatsurf import Polygon Polygon(edges=es, base_ring=self.base_ring()) except (ValueError, TypeError): return False # Gluing would be successful return True
[docs] def subdivide_polygon(self, p, v1, v2, test=False, new_label=None): r""" Cut the polygon with label p along the diagonal joining vertex v1 to vertex v2. This cuts p into two polygons, one will keep the same label. The other will get a new label, which can be provided via new_label. Otherwise a default new label will be provided. If test=False, then the surface will be changed (in place). If test=True, then it just checks to see if the change would be successful The convention is that the resulting subdivided polygon which has an oriented edge going from the original vertex v1 to vertex v2 will keep the label p. The other polygon will get a new label. The change will be done in place. """ if not test: raise NotImplementedError( "this surface does not implement subdivide_polygon(test=False) yet" ) poly = self.polygon(p) ne = len(poly.vertices()) if v1 < 0 or v2 < 0 or v1 >= ne or v2 >= ne: return False if abs(v1 - v2) <= 1 or abs(v1 - v2) >= ne - 1: return False return True
[docs] def singularity(self, label, v, limit=None): r""" Represents the Singularity associated to the v-th vertex of the polygon with label ``label``. If the surface is infinite, the limit can be set. In this case the construction of the singularity is successful if the sequence of vertices hit by passing through edges closes up in limit or less steps. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: s = translation_surfaces.square_torus() sage: pc = s.minimal_cover(cover_type="planar") sage: pc.singularity(pc.root(), 0) doctest:warning ... UserWarning: Singularity() is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf. Use surface.point() instead. Vertex 0 of polygon (0, (x, y) |-> (x, y)) sage: pc.singularity(pc.root(), 0, limit=1) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: number of edges at singularity exceeds limit """ from flatsurf.geometry.surface_objects import Singularity return Singularity(self, label, v, limit)
[docs] def point(self, label, point, ring=None, limit=None): r""" Return a point in this surface. INPUT: - ``label`` - label of the polygon - ``point`` - coordinates of the point inside the polygon or the index of the vertex of the polygon. - ``ring`` (optional) - a ring for the coordinates - ``limit`` (optional) - undocumented (only relevant if the point corresponds to a singularity in an infinite surface) EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: s = translation_surfaces.square_torus() sage: pc = s.minimal_cover(cover_type="planar") sage: pc.point(pc.root(), (0, 0)) Vertex 0 of polygon (0, (x, y) |-> (x, y)) sage: pc.point(pc.root(), 0) Vertex 0 of polygon (0, (x, y) |-> (x, y)) sage: pc.point(pc.root(), 1) Vertex 0 of polygon (0, (x, y) |-> (x + 1, y)) sage: pc.point(pc.root(), (1, 1)) Vertex 0 of polygon (0, (x, y) |-> (x + 1, y + 1)) sage: z = pc.point(pc.root(),(sqrt(2)-1,sqrt(3)-1),ring=AA) doctest:warning ... UserWarning: the ring parameter is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf; define the surface over a larger ring instead so that this points' coordinates live in the base ring sage: next(iter(z.coordinates(next(iter(z.labels()))))).parent() Vector space of dimension 2 over Algebraic Real Field :: sage: s = translation_surfaces.cathedral(2, 3) sage: s.point(0, 0) Vertex 0 of polygon 0 sage: s.point(0, (0, 0)) Vertex 0 of polygon 0 sage: s.point(0, (1, 1)) Point (1, 0) of polygon 0 sage: s.point(0, 1) Vertex 0 of polygon 1 """ # pylint: disable-next=not-callable return self(label, point, limit=limit, ring=ring)
[docs] def surface_point(self, *args, **kwargs): r""" Return a point in this surface. This is an alias for :meth:`point`. """ import warnings warnings.warn( "surface_point() has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf; use point() instead" ) return self.point(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def minimal_cover(self, cover_type="translation"): r""" Return the minimal translation or half-translation cover of the surface. Cover type may be either "translation", "half-translation" or "planar". The minimal planar cover of a surface S is the smallest cover C so that the developing map from the universal cover U to the plane induces a well defined map from C to the plane. This is an infinite translation surface that is naturally a branched cover of the plane. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import polygons, MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface sage: s = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface(QQ) sage: square = polygons.square(base_ring=QQ) sage: s.add_polygon(square) 0 sage: s.glue((0,0), (0,1)) sage: s.glue((0,2) ,(0,3)) sage: cs = s sage: ts = cs.minimal_cover(cover_type="translation") sage: ts Minimal Translation Cover of Rational Cone Surface built from a square sage: from flatsurf.geometry.categories import TranslationSurfaces sage: ts in TranslationSurfaces() True sage: hts = cs.minimal_cover(cover_type="half-translation") sage: hts Minimal Half-Translation Cover of Genus 0 Rational Cone Surface built from a square sage: from flatsurf.geometry.categories import HalfTranslationSurfaces sage: hts in HalfTranslationSurfaces() True sage: TestSuite(hts).run() sage: ps = cs.minimal_cover(cover_type="planar") sage: ps Minimal Planar Cover of Genus 0 Rational Cone Surface built from a square sage: ps in TranslationSurfaces() True sage: TestSuite(ps).run() sage: from flatsurf import similarity_surfaces sage: S = similarity_surfaces.example() sage: T = S.minimal_cover(cover_type="translation") sage: T Minimal Translation Cover of Genus 1 Surface built from 2 isosceles triangles sage: T in TranslationSurfaces() True sage: T.polygon(T.root()) Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (2, -2), (2, 0)]) """ if cover_type == "translation": from flatsurf.geometry.minimal_cover import MinimalTranslationCover return MinimalTranslationCover(self) if cover_type == "half-translation": from flatsurf.geometry.minimal_cover import ( MinimalHalfTranslationCover, ) return MinimalHalfTranslationCover(self) if cover_type == "planar": from flatsurf.geometry.minimal_cover import MinimalPlanarCover return MinimalPlanarCover(self) raise ValueError("Provided cover_type is not supported.")
[docs] def vector_space(self): r""" Return the vector space in which self naturally embeds. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: S = translation_surfaces.square_torus() sage: S.vector_space() doctest:warning ... UserWarning: vector_space() has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf; use base_ring()**2 or base_ring().fraction_field()**2 instead Vector space of dimension 2 over Rational Field sage: S.base_ring()**2 Vector space of dimension 2 over Rational Field """ import warnings warnings.warn( "vector_space() has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf; use base_ring()**2 or base_ring().fraction_field()**2 instead" ) from sage.modules.free_module import VectorSpace return VectorSpace(self.base_ring(), 2)
[docs] @cached_surface_method(key=lambda self, ring: ring or self.base_ring()) def tangent_bundle(self, ring=None): r""" Return the tangent bundle INPUT: - ``ring`` -- an optional field (defaults to the coordinate field of the surface) """ if ring is None: ring = self.base_ring() if self.is_mutable(): raise NotImplementedError( "cannot compute the tangent bundle of a mutable surface" ) from flatsurf.geometry.tangent_bundle import ( SimilaritySurfaceTangentBundle, ) return SimilaritySurfaceTangentBundle(self, ring)
[docs] def tangent_vector(self, lab, p, v, ring=None): r""" Return a tangent vector. INPUT: - ``lab`` -- label of a polygon - ``p`` -- coordinates of a point in the polygon - ``v`` -- coordinates of a vector in R^2 EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf.geometry.chamanara import chamanara_surface sage: S = chamanara_surface(1/2) sage: S.tangent_vector(S.root(), (1/2,1/2), (1,1)) SimilaritySurfaceTangentVector in polygon 1 based at (1/2, -3/2) with vector (1, 1) sage: K.<sqrt2> = QuadraticField(2) sage: S.tangent_vector(S.root(), (1/2,1/2), (1,sqrt2), ring=K) SimilaritySurfaceTangentVector in polygon 1 based at (1/2, -3/2) with vector (1, sqrt2) """ from sage.all import vector p = vector(p) v = vector(v) if p.parent().dimension() != 2 or v.parent().dimension() != 2: raise ValueError( "p (={!r}) and v (={!v}) should have two coordinates" ) return self.tangent_bundle(ring=ring)(lab, p, v)
[docs] def triangulation_mapping(self): r""" Return a ``SurfaceMapping`` triangulating the surface or ``None`` if the surface is already triangulated. """ from flatsurf.geometry.mappings import triangulation_mapping return triangulation_mapping(self)
[docs] def triangulate(self, in_place=False, label=None, relabel=None): r""" Return a triangulated version of this surface. (This may be mutable or not depending on the input.) INPUT: - ``in_place`` -- a boolean (default: ``False``); whether to modify this surface or return a triangulated copy instead. - ``label`` -- a label or ``None`` (default: ``None``); if set, then only the polygon with that label is triangulated and all other polygons are unchanged. Otherwise, all polygons are triangulated. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: S = translation_surfaces.mcmullen_L(1, 1, 1, 1) sage: S.triangulate() Triangulation of Translation Surface in H_2(2) built from 3 squares A non-strictly convex example that caused trouble at some point: sage: from flatsurf import similarity_surfaces, Polygon sage: P = Polygon(edges=[(1, 1), (-3, -1), (1, 0), (1, 0)]) sage: S = similarity_surfaces.self_glued_polygon(P) sage: S Half-Translation Surface in Q_0(0, -1^4) built from a triangle sage: T = S.triangulate() sage: len(T.polygon((0, 0)).vertices()) 3 The surface returned is explicitly a triangulation of the original surface. Use :meth:`flatsurf.geometry.surface.MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface.from_surface` or :meth:`relabel` to get a primitive surface:: sage: T Triangulation of Half-Translation Surface in Q_0(0, -1^4) built from a triangle sage: T.relabel() Half-Translation Surface in Q_0(0, -1^4) built from 2 triangles :: sage: from flatsurf import MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface sage: T = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface.from_surface(T) sage: T.set_immutable() sage: T Half-Translation Surface in Q_0(0, -1^4) built from 2 triangles We can also only triangulate part of a surface, namely a single polygon:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: S = translation_surfaces.cathedral(1, 1) sage: S Translation Surface in H_4(2^3) built from 2 squares, a hexagon with 4 marked vertices and an octagon sage: S.triangulate(label=1).relabel() Translation Surface in H_4(2^3) built from 2 isosceles triangles, 5 triangles, a right triangle, 2 squares and an octagon """ if relabel is not None: import warnings warnings.warn( "the relabel keyword argument of triangulate() is ignored, it has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf" ) if in_place: raise NotImplementedError( "this surface does not implement triangulate(in_place=True) yet" ) if self.is_mutable(): from flatsurf import MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface s = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface.from_surface(self) s.set_immutable() return s.triangulate(label=label, relabel=relabel) from flatsurf.geometry.lazy import LazyTriangulatedSurface if label is not None: label = {label} return LazyTriangulatedSurface(self, labels=label)
def _delaunay_edge_needs_flip(self, p1, e1): r""" Return whether edge ``e1`` of polygon ``p1`` should be flipped to get closer to a Delaunay triangulated surface. """ p2, e2 = self.opposite_edge(p1, e1) poly1 = self.polygon(p1) poly2 = self.polygon(p2) if len(poly1.vertices()) != 3 or len(poly2.vertices()) != 3: raise ValueError("Edge must be adjacent to two triangles.") from flatsurf.geometry.similarity import similarity_from_vectors sim1 = similarity_from_vectors(poly1.edge(e1 + 2), -poly1.edge(e1 + 1)) sim2 = similarity_from_vectors(poly2.edge(e2 + 2), -poly2.edge(e2 + 1)) sim = sim1 * sim2 return sim[1][0] < 0 def _delaunay_edge_needs_join(self, p1, e1): r""" Return whether edge ``e1`` of polygon ``p1`` should be eliminated and the polygons attached to it joined to get closer to a Delaunay cell decomposition. """ p2, e2 = self.opposite_edge(p1, e1) poly1 = self.polygon(p1) poly2 = self.polygon(p2) from flatsurf.geometry.similarity import similarity_from_vectors sim1 = similarity_from_vectors( poly1.vertex(e1) - poly1.vertex(e1 + 2), -poly1.edge(e1 + 1) ) sim2 = similarity_from_vectors( poly2.vertex(e2) - poly2.vertex(e2 + 2), -poly2.edge(e2 + 1) ) sim = sim1 * sim2 return sim[1][0] == 0
[docs] def is_delaunay_triangulated(self, limit=None): r""" Return whether the surface is triangulated and the triangulation is Delaunay. INPUT: - ``limit`` -- an integer or ``None`` (default: ``None``); check only ``limit`` many edges if set """ if limit is not None: import warnings warnings.warn( "limit has been deprecated as a keyword argument for is_delaunay_triangulated() and will be removed from a future version of sage-flatsurf; " "if you rely on this check, you can try to run this method on MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface.from_surface(surface, labels=surface.labels()[:limit])" ) if not self.is_finite_type() and limit is None: raise NotImplementedError( "a limit must be set for infinite surfaces." ) count = 0 for (l1, e1), (l2, e2) in self.gluings(): if limit is not None and count >= limit: break count += 1 if len(self.polygon(l1).vertices()) != 3: return False if len(self.polygon(l2).vertices()) != 3: return False if self._delaunay_edge_needs_flip(l1, e1): return False return True
[docs] def is_delaunay_decomposed(self, limit=None): r""" Return if the decomposition of the surface into polygons is Delaunay. INPUT: - ``limit`` -- an integer or ``None`` (default: ``None``); check only ``limit`` many polygons if set """ if limit is not None: import warnings warnings.warn( "limit has been deprecated as a keyword argument for is_delaunay_decomposed() and will be removed from a future version of sage-flatsurf; " "if you rely on this check, you can try to run this method on MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface.from_surface(surface, labels=surface.labels()[:limit])" ) if not self.is_finite_type() and limit is None: raise NotImplementedError( "a limit must be set for infinite surfaces." ) count = 0 for l1, p1 in zip(self.labels(), self.polygons()): if limit is not None and count >= limit: break count += 1 try: c1 = p1.circumscribing_circle() except ValueError: # p1 is not circumscribed return False for e1 in range(len(p1.vertices())): c2 = self.edge_transformation(l1, e1) * c1 l2, e2 = self.opposite_edge(l1, e1) if c2.point_position(self.polygon(l2).vertex(e2 + 2)) != -1: # The circumscribed circle developed into the adjacent polygon # contains a vertex in its interior or boundary. return False return True
[docs] def delaunay_triangulation( self, triangulated=None, in_place=False, direction=None, relabel=None, ): r""" Return a Delaunay triangulation of this surface. INPUT: - ``triangulated`` - ``None``; ignored - ``in_place`` - boolean (default: ``False``); whether this ssurface is modified and returned or just a copy of the surface - ``direction`` - ``None``; ignored - ``relabel`` - ``None``; ignored EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: m = matrix([[2, 1], [1, 1]]) sage: s = m * translation_surfaces.infinite_staircase() sage: ss = s.delaunay_triangulation() sage: ss.root() (0, 0) sage: ss.polygon((0, 0)) Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1)]) sage: TestSuite(ss).run() sage: ss.is_delaunay_triangulated() True """ if triangulated is not None: import warnings warnings.warn( "the triangulated keyword has been deprecated as a parameter for delaunay_triangulation() and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf" ) if in_place: raise NotImplementedError( "this surface does not implement delaunay_triangulation(in_place=True) yet" ) if direction is not None: import warnings warnings.warn( "the direction parameter of delaunay_triangulation() has been removed since it did not work correctly in previous versions of sage-flatsurf" ) if relabel is not None: if relabel: raise NotImplementedError( "the relabel keyword has been removed from delaunay_triangulation(); use relabel() to use integer labels instead" ) else: import warnings warnings.warn( "the relabel keyword will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf; do not pass it explicitly anymore to delaunay_triangulation()" ) if in_place: raise NotImplementedError( "this surface does not implement delaunay_triangulation(in_place=True) yet" ) if relabel is not None: if relabel: raise NotImplementedError( "the relabel keyword has been removed from delaunay_triangulation(); use relabel() to use integer labels instead" ) else: import warnings warnings.warn( "the relabel keyword will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf; do not pass it explicitly anymore to delaunay_triangulation()" ) from flatsurf.geometry.lazy import ( LazyDelaunayTriangulatedSurface, ) self = self.triangulate(in_place=False) return LazyDelaunayTriangulatedSurface(self, category=self.category())
[docs] def delaunay_decomposition( self, triangulated=None, delaunay_triangulated=None, in_place=False, direction=None, relabel=None, ): r""" Return the Delaunay Decomposition of this surface. INPUT: - ``triangulated`` - ``None``; ignored - ``delaunay_triangulated`` - ``None``; ignored - ``in_place`` - boolean (default: ``False``); whether this surface is modified and returned or just a copy of the surface - ``direction`` - ``None``; ignored - ``relabel`` - ``None``; ignored EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces, Polygon, similarity_surfaces sage: s0 = translation_surfaces.octagon_and_squares() sage: a = s0.base_ring().gens()[0] sage: m = Matrix([[1,2+a],[0,1]]) sage: s = m*s0 sage: s = s.triangulate() sage: ss = s.delaunay_decomposition() sage: len(ss.polygons()) 3 sage: p = Polygon(edges=[(4,0),(-2,1),(-2,-1)]) sage: s0 = similarity_surfaces.self_glued_polygon(p) sage: s = s0.delaunay_decomposition() sage: TestSuite(s).run() sage: m = matrix([[2,1],[1,1]]) sage: s = m*translation_surfaces.infinite_staircase() sage: ss = s.delaunay_decomposition() sage: ss.root() (0, 0) sage: ss.polygon(ss.root()) Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)]) sage: TestSuite(ss).run() sage: ss.is_delaunay_decomposed() True """ if triangulated is not None: import warnings warnings.warn( "the triangulated keyword has been deprecated as a parameter for delaunay_decomposition() and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf" ) if delaunay_triangulated is not None: import warnings warnings.warn( "the delaunay_triangulated keyword has been deprecated as a parameter for delaunay_decomposition() and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf" ) if in_place: raise NotImplementedError( "this surface does not implement delaunay_decomposition(in_place=True) yet" ) if direction is not None: import warnings warnings.warn( "the direction parameter of delaunay_decomposition() has been removed since it did not work correctly in previous versions of sage-flatsurf" ) if relabel is not None: if relabel: raise NotImplementedError( "the relabel keyword has been removed from delaunay_decomposition(); use relabel() to use integer labels instead" ) else: import warnings warnings.warn( "the relabel keyword will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf; do not pass it explicitly anymore to delaunay_decomposition()" ) self = self.delaunay_triangulation() from flatsurf.geometry.lazy import LazyDelaunaySurface return LazyDelaunaySurface(self, category=self.category())
[docs] def saddle_connections( self, squared_length_bound, initial_label=None, initial_vertex=None, sc_list=None, check=False, ): r""" Returns a list of saddle connections on the surface whose length squared is less than or equal to squared_length_bound. The length of a saddle connection is measured using holonomy from polygon in which the trajectory starts. If initial_label and initial_vertex are not provided, we return all saddle connections satisfying the bound condition. If initial_label and initial_vertex are provided, it only provides saddle connections emanating from the corresponding vertex of a polygon. If only initial_label is provided, the added saddle connections will only emanate from the corresponding polygon. If sc_list is provided the found saddle connections are appended to this list and the resulting list is returned. If check==True it uses the checks in the SaddleConnection class to sanity check our results. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: s = translation_surfaces.square_torus() sage: sc_list = s.saddle_connections(13, check=True) sage: len(sc_list) 32 """ if squared_length_bound <= 0: raise ValueError if sc_list is None: sc_list = [] if initial_label is None: if not self.is_finite_type(): raise NotImplementedError if initial_vertex is not None: raise ValueError( "when initial_label is not provided, then initial_vertex must not be provided either" ) for label in self.labels(): self.saddle_connections( squared_length_bound, initial_label=label, sc_list=sc_list ) return sc_list if initial_vertex is None: for vertex in range(len(self.polygon(initial_label).vertices())): self.saddle_connections( squared_length_bound, initial_label=initial_label, initial_vertex=vertex, sc_list=sc_list, ) return sc_list # Now we have a specified initial_label and initial_vertex from flatsurf.geometry.similarity import SimilarityGroup SG = SimilarityGroup(self.base_ring()) start_data = (initial_label, initial_vertex) from import Circle circle = Circle( (0, 0), squared_length_bound, base_ring=self.base_ring(), ) p = self.polygon(initial_label) v = p.vertex(initial_vertex) last_sim = SG(-v[0], -v[1]) # First check the edge eminating rightward from the start_vertex. e = p.edge(initial_vertex) if e[0] ** 2 + e[1] ** 2 <= squared_length_bound: from flatsurf.geometry.surface_objects import SaddleConnection sc_list.append(SaddleConnection(self, start_data, e)) # Represents the bounds of the beam of trajectories we are sending out. wedge = ( last_sim(p.vertex((initial_vertex + 1) % len(p.vertices()))), last_sim( p.vertex( (initial_vertex + len(p.vertices()) - 1) % len(p.vertices()) ) ), ) # This will collect the data we need for a depth first search. chain = [ ( last_sim, initial_label, wedge, [ (initial_vertex + len(p.vertices()) - i) % len(p.vertices()) for i in range(2, len(p.vertices())) ], ) ] while len(chain) > 0: # Should verts really be edges? sim, label, wedge, verts = chain[-1] if len(verts) == 0: chain.pop() continue vert = verts.pop() p = self.polygon(label) # First check the vertex vert_position = sim(p.vertex(vert)) from flatsurf.geometry.euclidean import ccw if ( ccw(wedge[0], vert_position) > 0 and ccw(vert_position, wedge[1]) > 0 and vert_position[0] ** 2 + vert_position[1] ** 2 <= squared_length_bound ): sc_list.append( SaddleConnection( self, start_data, vert_position, end_data=(label, vert), end_direction=~sim.derivative() * -vert_position, holonomy=vert_position, end_holonomy=~sim.derivative() * -vert_position, check=check, ) ) # Now check if we should develop across the edge vert_position2 = sim(p.vertex((vert + 1) % len(p.vertices()))) if ( ccw(vert_position, vert_position2) > 0 and ccw(wedge[0], vert_position2) > 0 and ccw(vert_position, wedge[1]) > 0 and circle.line_segment_position(vert_position, vert_position2) == 1 ): if ccw(wedge[0], vert_position) > 0: # First in new_wedge should be vert_position if ccw(vert_position2, wedge[1]) > 0: new_wedge = (vert_position, vert_position2) else: new_wedge = (vert_position, wedge[1]) else: if ccw(vert_position2, wedge[1]) > 0: new_wedge = (wedge[0], vert_position2) else: new_wedge = wedge new_label, new_edge = self.opposite_edge(label, vert) new_sim = sim * ~self.edge_transformation(label, vert) p = self.polygon(new_label) chain.append( ( new_sim, new_label, new_wedge, [ (new_edge + len(p.vertices()) - i) % len(p.vertices()) for i in range(1, len(p.vertices())) ], ) ) return sc_list
[docs] def ramified_cover(self, d, data): r""" Return a ramified cover of this surface. INPUT: - ``d`` - integer (the degree of the cover) - ``data`` - a dictionary which to a pair ``(label, edge_num)`` associates a permutation of {1,...,d} EXAMPLES: The L-shape origami:: sage: import flatsurf sage: T = flatsurf.translation_surfaces.square_torus() sage: T.ramified_cover(3, {(0,0): '(1,2)', (0,1): '(1,3)'}) Translation Surface in H_2(2) built from 3 squares sage: O = T.ramified_cover(3, {(0,0): '(1,2)', (0,1): '(1,3)'}) sage: O.stratum() H_2(2) TESTS:: sage: import flatsurf sage: T = flatsurf.translation_surfaces.square_torus() sage: T.ramified_cover(3, {(0,0): '(1,2)', (0,2): '(1,3)'}) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: inconsistent covering data """ from sage.groups.perm_gps.permgroup_named import SymmetricGroup G = SymmetricGroup(d) for k in data: data[k] = G(data[k]) from flatsurf.geometry.surface import MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface cover = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface(self.base_ring()) edges = set(self.edges()) cover_labels = {} for i in range(1, d + 1): for lab in self.labels(): cover_labels[(lab, i)] = cover.add_polygon(self.polygon(lab)) while edges: lab, e = elab = edges.pop() llab, ee = eelab = self.opposite_edge(lab, e) edges.remove(eelab) if elab in data: if eelab in data: if not (data[elab] * data[eelab]).is_one(): raise ValueError("inconsistent covering data") s = data[elab] elif eelab in data: s = ~data[eelab] else: s = for i in range(1, d + 1): p0 = cover_labels[(lab, i)] p1 = cover_labels[(lab, s(i))] cover.glue((p0, e), (p1, ee)) cover.set_immutable() return cover
[docs] def subdivide(self): r""" Return a copy of this surface whose polygons have been partitioned into smaller triangles with :meth:`~.euclidean_polygons.EuclideanPolygons.Simple.Convex.ParentMethods.subdivide`. EXAMPLES: A surface consisting of a single triangle:: sage: from flatsurf import MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface, Polygon sage: S = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface(QQ) sage: S.add_polygon(Polygon(edges=[(1, 0), (0, 1), (-1, -1)]), label="Δ") 'Δ' Subdivision of this surface yields a surface with three triangles:: sage: T = S.subdivide() sage: T.labels() (('Δ', 0), ('Δ', 1), ('Δ', 2)) Note that the new labels are old labels plus an index. We verify that the triangles are glued correctly:: sage: list(T.gluings()) [((('Δ', 0), 1), (('Δ', 1), 2)), ((('Δ', 0), 2), (('Δ', 2), 1)), ((('Δ', 1), 1), (('Δ', 2), 2)), ((('Δ', 1), 2), (('Δ', 0), 1)), ((('Δ', 2), 1), (('Δ', 0), 2)), ((('Δ', 2), 2), (('Δ', 1), 1))] If we add another polygon to the original surface and glue things, we can see how existing gluings are preserved when subdividing:: sage: S.add_polygon(Polygon(edges=[(1, 0), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (0, -1)]), label='□') '□' sage: S.glue(("Δ", 0), ("□", 2)) sage: S.glue(("□", 1), ("□", 3)) sage: T = S.subdivide() sage: T.labels() (('Δ', 0), ('□', 2), ('Δ', 1), ('Δ', 2), ('□', 3), ('□', 1), ('□', 0)) sage: list(sorted(T.gluings())) [((('Δ', 0), 0), (('□', 2), 0)), ((('Δ', 0), 1), (('Δ', 1), 2)), ((('Δ', 0), 2), (('Δ', 2), 1)), ((('Δ', 1), 1), (('Δ', 2), 2)), ((('Δ', 1), 2), (('Δ', 0), 1)), ((('Δ', 2), 1), (('Δ', 0), 2)), ((('Δ', 2), 2), (('Δ', 1), 1)), ((('□', 0), 1), (('□', 1), 2)), ((('□', 0), 2), (('□', 3), 1)), ((('□', 1), 0), (('□', 3), 0)), ((('□', 1), 1), (('□', 2), 2)), ((('□', 1), 2), (('□', 0), 1)), ((('□', 2), 0), (('Δ', 0), 0)), ((('□', 2), 1), (('□', 3), 2)), ((('□', 2), 2), (('□', 1), 1)), ((('□', 3), 0), (('□', 1), 0)), ((('□', 3), 1), (('□', 0), 2)), ((('□', 3), 2), (('□', 2), 1))] """ labels = list(self.labels()) polygons = [self.polygon(label) for label in labels] subdivisions = [p.subdivide() for p in polygons] from flatsurf.geometry.surface import MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface surface = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface(self.base()) # Add subdivided polygons for s, subdivision in enumerate(subdivisions): label = labels[s] for p, polygon in enumerate(subdivision): surface.add_polygon(polygon, label=(label, p)) surface.set_roots((label, 0) for label in self.roots()) # Add gluings between subdivided polygons for s, subdivision in enumerate(subdivisions): label = labels[s] for p in range(len(subdivision)): surface.glue( ((label, p), 1), ((label, (p + 1) % len(subdivision)), 2) ) # Add gluing from original surface opposite = self.opposite_edge(label, p) if opposite is not None: surface.glue(((label, p), 0), (opposite, 0)) surface.set_immutable() return surface
[docs] def subdivide_edges(self, parts=2): r""" Return a copy of this surface whose edges have been split into ``parts`` equal pieces each. INPUT: - ``parts`` -- a positive integer (default: 2) EXAMPLES: A surface consisting of a single triangle:: sage: from flatsurf import MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface sage: from flatsurf.geometry.polygon import Polygon sage: S = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface(QQ) sage: S.add_polygon(Polygon(edges=[(1, 0), (0, 1), (-1, -1)]), label="Δ") 'Δ' Subdividing this triangle yields a triangle with marked points along the edges:: sage: T = S.subdivide_edges() If we add another polygon to the original surface and glue them, we can see how existing gluings are preserved when subdividing:: sage: S.add_polygon(Polygon(edges=[(1, 0), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (0, -1)]), label='□') '□' sage: S.glue(("Δ", 0), ("□", 2)) sage: S.glue(("□", 1), ("□", 3)) sage: T = S.subdivide_edges() sage: list(sorted(T.gluings())) [(('Δ', 0), ('□', 5)), (('Δ', 1), ('□', 4)), (('□', 2), ('□', 7)), (('□', 3), ('□', 6)), (('□', 4), ('Δ', 1)), (('□', 5), ('Δ', 0)), (('□', 6), ('□', 3)), (('□', 7), ('□', 2))] """ labels = list(self.labels()) polygons = [self.polygon(label) for label in labels] subdivideds = [p.subdivide_edges(parts=parts) for p in polygons] from flatsurf.geometry.surface import MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface surface = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface(self.base()) # Add subdivided polygons for s, subdivided in enumerate(subdivideds): surface.add_polygon(subdivided, label=labels[s]) surface.set_roots(self.roots()) # Reestablish gluings between polygons for label, polygon, subdivided in zip(labels, polygons, subdivideds): for e in range(len(polygon.vertices())): opposite = self.opposite_edge(label, e) if opposite is not None: for p in range(parts): surface.glue( (label, e * parts + p), ( opposite[0], opposite[1] * parts + (parts - p - 1), ), ) surface.set_immutable() return surface
[docs] class Rational(SurfaceCategoryWithAxiom): r""" The axiom satisfied by similarity surfaces where all similarities that describe how edges are glued only use rational rotations, i.e., rotations by a rational multiple of π. Note that this differs slightly from the usual definition of "rational". Normally, a surface would be rational if it can be described using only such similarities. Here we require that the similarities used are actually of that kind. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: S = translation_surfaces.infinite_staircase() sage: "Rational" in S.category().axioms() True """
[docs] class ParentMethods: r""" Provides methods available to all surfaces built from Euclidean polygons glued by similarities that have rational monodromy, i.e., `monodromy <,X)-manifold#Monodromy>`_ gives similarities whose rotational part has finite order. If you want to add functionality for such surfaces you most likely want to put it here. """ @staticmethod def _is_rational_surface(surface, limit=None): r""" Return whether the gluings of this surface lead to a rational surface, i.e., whether all gluings use similarities whose rotational part uses only a rational multiple of π as a rotation. This is a helper method for :meth:`flatsurf.geometry.categories.similarity_surfaces.ParentMethods.is_rational_surface`. INPUT: - ``limit`` -- an integer or ``None`` (default: ``None``); if set, only the first ``limit`` polygons are checked EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: S = translation_surfaces.infinite_staircase() sage: from flatsurf.geometry.categories import SimilaritySurfaces sage: SimilaritySurfaces.Rational.ParentMethods._is_rational_surface(S, limit=8) doctest:warning ... UserWarning: limit has been deprecated as a keyword argument for _is_rational_surface() and will be removed from a future version of sage-flatsurf; ... True sage: from flatsurf import MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface sage: SimilaritySurfaces.Rational.ParentMethods._is_rational_surface(MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface.from_surface(S, labels=S.labels()[:8])) True """ if limit is not None: import warnings warnings.warn( "limit has been deprecated as a keyword argument for _is_rational_surface() and will be removed from a future version of sage-flatsurf; " "if you rely on this check, you can try to run this method on MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface.from_surface(surface, labels=surface.labels()[:limit])" ) if "Oriented" not in surface.category().axioms(): raise NotImplementedError labels = surface.labels() if limit is not None: from itertools import islice labels = islice(labels, limit) checked = set() for label in labels: for edge in range(len(surface.polygon(label).vertices())): cross = surface.opposite_edge(label, edge) if cross is None: continue if cross in checked: continue checked.add((label, edge)) # We do not call self.edge_matrix() since the surface might # have overridden this (just returning the identity matrix e.g.) # and we want to deduce the matrix from the attached polygon # edges instead. matrix = SimilaritySurfaces.Oriented.ParentMethods.edge_matrix.f( # pylint: disable=no-member surface, label, edge ) if matrix.is_diagonal(): continue a = AA(matrix[0, 0]) b = AA(matrix[1, 0]) q = (a**2 + b**2).sqrt() from flatsurf.geometry.euclidean import ( is_cosine_sine_of_rational, ) if not is_cosine_sine_of_rational(a / q, b / q): return False return True
[docs] def is_rational_surface(self): r""" Return whether all edges of this surface are glued with similarities whose rotational part is by a rational multiple of π, i.e., return ``True`` since this is a rational surface. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: S = translation_surfaces.infinite_staircase() sage: S.is_rational_surface() True """ return True
def _test_rational_surface(self, **options): r""" Verify that this is a rational similarity surface. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: S = translation_surfaces.square_torus() sage: S._test_rational_surface() """ tester = self._tester(**options) limit = None if not self.is_finite_type(): from flatsurf import MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface self = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface.from_surface( self, labels=self.labels()[:32] ) tester.assertTrue( SimilaritySurfaces.Rational.ParentMethods._is_rational_surface( self, limit=limit ) )
[docs] class FiniteType(SurfaceCategoryWithAxiom): r""" The category of surfaces built by gluing a finite number of Euclidean polygons with similarities. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import Polygon, similarity_surfaces sage: P = Polygon(vertices=[(0,0), (1,0), (1,1), (0,1)]) sage: S = similarity_surfaces.self_glued_polygon(P) sage: "FiniteType" in S.category().axioms() True """
[docs] class ParentMethods: r""" Provides methods available to all surfaces that are built from finitely many polygons in the real plane glued with similarities. If you want to add functionality for such surfaces you most likely want to put it here. """
[docs] def num_singularities(self): r""" EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: translation_surfaces.regular_octagon().num_singularities() doctest:warning ... UserWarning: num_singularities() has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf; use len(vertices()) instead 1 sage: S = SymmetricGroup(4) sage: r = S('(1,2)(3,4)') sage: u = S('(2,3)') sage: translation_surfaces.origami(r,u).num_singularities() 2 sage: S = SymmetricGroup(8) sage: r = S('(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)') sage: u = S('(1,8,5,4)(2,3)(6,7)') sage: translation_surfaces.origami(r,u).num_singularities() 4 """ import warnings warnings.warn( "num_singularities() has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf; use len(vertices()) instead" ) return len(self.vertices())
[docs] def _test_eq_surface(self, **options): r""" Verify that this surface follows our standards for equality of surfaces. We want two surfaces to compare equal (`S == T`) iff they are virtually indistinguishable; so without a lot of non-Pythonic effort, you should not be able to tell them apart. They have (virtually) the same type, are made from equally labeled polygons with indistinguishable coordinates and equal gluings. Any other data that was used when creating them should be indistinguishable. They might of course live at different memory addresses have differences in their internal caches and representation but everything user-facing should be the same. People often want `==` to mean that the two surfaces are isomorphic in some more-or-less strong sense. Such a notion for `==` always leads to trouble down the road. The operator `==` is used to identify surfaces in caches and identify surfaces in sets. Sometimes "are isomorphic" is a good notion in such cases but most of the time "are indistinguishable" is the much safer default. Also, "are isomorphic" is often costly or, e.g. in the case of infinite surfaces, not even decidable. Currently, we do treat two surfaces as equal even if they differ by category because categories can presently be changed for immutable surfaces (as more properties of the surface are found.) EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import Polygon, similarity_surfaces sage: P = Polygon(vertices=[(0,0), (1,0), (1,1), (0,1)]) sage: S = similarity_surfaces.self_glued_polygon(P) sage: S._test_eq_surface() :meta public: """ tester = self._tester(**options) from flatsurf.geometry.surface import MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface copy = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface.from_surface(self) if not self.is_mutable(): copy.set_immutable() if isinstance(self, MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface): tester.assertEqual(self, copy) tester.assertFalse(self != copy) else: tester.assertNotEqual(self, copy) tester.assertTrue(self != copy)
[docs] class Oriented(SurfaceCategoryWithAxiom): r""" The category of surfaces built from finitely many Euclidean polygons glued with singularities with an orientation that is compatible with the embedding that the polygons inherit from the real plane. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import Polygon, similarity_surfaces sage: P = Polygon(vertices=[(0,0), (1,0), (1,1), (0,1)]) sage: S = similarity_surfaces.self_glued_polygon(P) sage: "Oriented" in S.category().axioms() True """
[docs] class ParentMethods: r""" Provides methods available to all surfaces that are built from finitely many Euclidean polygons that are glued by similarities and are oriented with the natural orientation of the polygons in the real plane. If you want to add functionality for such surfaces you most likely want to put it here. """
[docs] def reposition_polygons(self, in_place=False, relabel=None): r""" We choose a maximal tree in the dual graph of the decomposition into polygons, and ensure that the gluings between two polygons joined by an edge in this tree is by translation. This guarantees that the group generated by the edge identifications is minimal among representations of the surface. In particular, if for instance you have a translation surface which is anot representable as a translation surface (because polygons are presented with rotations) then after this change it will be representable as a translation surface. """ if in_place: raise NotImplementedError( "this surface does not implement reposition_polygons(in_place=True) yet" ) from flatsurf.geometry.surface import ( MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface, ) s = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface.from_surface(self) s.reposition_polygons(in_place=True, relabel=relabel) s.set_immutable() return s
[docs] def standardize_polygons(self, in_place=False): r""" Return a surface with each polygon replaced with a new polygon which differs by translation and reindexing. The new polygon will have the property that vertex zero is the origin, and all vertices lie either in the upper half plane, or on the x-axis with non-negative x-coordinate. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: s=translation_surfaces.veech_double_n_gon(4) sage: s.polygon(1) Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (-1, 0), (-1, -1), (0, -1)]) sage: [s.opposite_edge(0,i) for i in range(4)] [(1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3)] sage: ss=s.standardize_polygons() sage: ss.polygon(1) Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)]) sage: [ss.opposite_edge(0,i) for i in range(4)] [(1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 0), (1, 1)] sage: TestSuite(ss).run() """ if in_place: raise NotImplementedError( "cannot standardize polygons in_place anymore on this surface; use in_place=False to create a copy of the surface with standardized polygons" ) from flatsurf.geometry.surface import ( MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface, ) S = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface.from_surface( self, category=self.category() ) S.standardize_polygons(in_place=True) S.set_immutable() return S
[docs] def fundamental_group(self, base_label=None): r""" Return the fundamental group of this surface. """ if base_label is None: base_label = self.root() from flatsurf.geometry.fundamental_group import FundamentalGroup return FundamentalGroup(self, base_label)
[docs] class SubcategoryMethods:
[docs] def Rational(self): r""" Return the subcategory of surfaces with rational monodromy, see :class:`~.SimilaritySurfaces.Rational`. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf.geometry.categories import SimilaritySurfaces sage: C = SimilaritySurfaces() sage: C.Rational() Category of rational similarity surfaces """ return self._with_axiom("Rational")
# Currently, there is no "Rational" axiom in SageMath so we make it known to # the category framework. all_axioms += ("Rational",)