Source code for flatsurf.geometry.mappings

r"""Mappings between translation surfaces."""
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#                      2016-2022 Vincent Delecroix
#                           2023 Julian Rüth
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[docs]class SurfaceMapping: r"""Abstract class for any mapping between surfaces.""" def __init__(self, domain, codomain): self._domain = domain self._codomain = codomain
[docs] def domain(self): r""" Return the domain of the mapping. """ return self._domain
[docs] def codomain(self): r""" Return the range of the mapping. """ return self._codomain
[docs] def push_vector_forward(self, tangent_vector): r"""Applies the mapping to the provided vector.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def pull_vector_back(self, tangent_vector): r"""Applies the inverse of the mapping to the provided vector.""" raise NotImplementedError
def __mul__(self, other): # Compose SurfaceMappings return SurfaceMappingComposition(other, self) def __rmul__(self, other): return SurfaceMappingComposition(self, other)
[docs]class SurfaceMappingComposition(SurfaceMapping): r""" Composition of two mappings between surfaces. """ def __init__(self, mapping1, mapping2): r""" Represent the mapping of mapping1 followed by mapping2. """ if mapping1.codomain() != mapping2.domain(): raise ValueError( "Codomain of mapping1 must be equal to the domain of mapping2" ) self._m1 = mapping1 self._m2 = mapping2 SurfaceMapping.__init__(self, self._m1.domain(), self._m2.codomain())
[docs] def push_vector_forward(self, tangent_vector): r"""Applies the mapping to the provided vector.""" return self._m2.push_vector_forward( self._m1.push_vector_forward(tangent_vector) )
[docs] def pull_vector_back(self, tangent_vector): r"""Applies the inverse of the mapping to the provided vector.""" return self._m1.pull_vector_back(self._m2.pull_vector_back(tangent_vector))
[docs] def factors(self): r""" Return the two factors of this surface mapping as a pair (f,g), where the original map is f o g. """ return self._m2, self._m1
[docs]class IdentityMapping(SurfaceMapping): r""" Construct an identity map between two "equal" surfaces. """ def __init__(self, domain, codomain): SurfaceMapping.__init__(self, domain, codomain)
[docs] def push_vector_forward(self, tangent_vector): r"""Applies the mapping to the provided vector.""" ring = tangent_vector.bundle().base_ring() return self._codomain.tangent_vector( tangent_vector.polygon_label(), tangent_vector.point(), tangent_vector.vector(), ring=ring, )
[docs] def pull_vector_back(self, tangent_vector): r"""Applies the pullback mapping to the provided vector.""" ring = tangent_vector.bundle().base_ring() return self._domain.tangent_vector( tangent_vector.polygon_label(), tangent_vector.point(), tangent_vector.vector(), ring=ring, )
[docs]class SimilarityJoinPolygonsMapping(SurfaceMapping): r""" Return a SurfaceMapping joining two polygons together along the edge provided to the constructor. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface, Polygon sage: s = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface(QQ) sage: s.add_polygon(Polygon(edges=[(1,0),(0,1),(-1,-1)])) 0 sage: s.add_polygon(Polygon(edges=[(-1,0),(0,-1),(1,1)])) 1 sage: s.glue((0, 0), (1, 0)) sage: s.glue((0, 1), (1, 1)) sage: s.glue((0, 2), (1, 2)) sage: s.set_immutable() sage: from flatsurf.geometry.mappings import SimilarityJoinPolygonsMapping sage: m=SimilarityJoinPolygonsMapping(s, 0, 2) sage: s2=m.codomain() sage: s2.labels() (0,) sage: s2.polygons() (Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)]),) sage: s2.gluings() (((0, 0), (0, 2)), ((0, 1), (0, 3)), ((0, 2), (0, 0)), ((0, 3), (0, 1))) """ def __init__(self, s, p1, e1): r""" Join polygon with label p1 of s to polygon sharing edge e1. """ if s.is_mutable(): raise ValueError( "Can only construct SimilarityJoinPolygonsMapping for immutable surfaces." ) from flatsurf.geometry.surface import MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface ss2 = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface.from_surface(s) s2 = ss2 poly1 = s.polygon(p1) p2, e2 = s.opposite_edge(p1, e1) poly2 = s.polygon(p2) t = s.edge_transformation(p2, e2) dt = t.derivative() vs = [] # actually stores new edges... edge_map = {} # Store the pairs for the old edges. for i in range(e1): edge_map[len(vs)] = (p1, i) vs.append(poly1.edge(i)) ne = len(poly2.vertices()) for i in range(1, ne): ee = (e2 + i) % ne edge_map[len(vs)] = (p2, ee) vs.append(dt * poly2.edge(ee)) for i in range(e1 + 1, len(poly1.vertices())): edge_map[len(vs)] = (p1, i) vs.append(poly1.edge(i)) inv_edge_map = {} for key, value in edge_map.items(): inv_edge_map[value] = (p1, key) if p2 in s.roots(): # The polygon with the base label is being removed. s2.set_roots(tuple(p1 if label == p2 else label for label in s.roots())) s2.remove_polygon(p1) from flatsurf import Polygon s2.add_polygon(Polygon(edges=vs, base_ring=s.base_ring()), label=p1) for i in range(len(vs)): p3, e3 = edge_map[i] p4, e4 = s.opposite_edge(p3, e3) if p4 == p1 or p4 == p2: pp, ee = inv_edge_map[(p4, e4)] s2.glue((p1, i), (pp, ee)) else: s2.glue((p1, i), (p4, e4)) s2.remove_polygon(p2) s2.set_immutable() self._saved_label = p1 self._removed_label = p2 self._remove_map = t self._remove_map_derivative = dt self._glued_edge = e1 SurfaceMapping.__init__(self, s, ss2)
[docs] def removed_label(self): r""" Return the label that was removed in the joining process. """ return self._removed_label
[docs] def glued_vertices(self): r""" Return the vertices of the newly glued polygon which bound the diagonal formed by the glue. """ return ( self._glued_edge, self._glued_edge + len(self._domain.polygon(self._removed_label).vertices()), )
[docs] def push_vector_forward(self, tangent_vector): r"""Applies the mapping to the provided vector.""" ring = tangent_vector.bundle().base_ring() if tangent_vector.polygon_label() == self._removed_label: return self._codomain.tangent_vector( self._saved_label, self._remove_map(tangent_vector.point()), self._remove_map_derivative * tangent_vector.vector(), ring=ring, ) else: return self._codomain.tangent_vector( tangent_vector.polygon_label(), tangent_vector.point(), tangent_vector.vector(), ring=ring, )
[docs] def pull_vector_back(self, tangent_vector): r""" Applies the inverse of the mapping to the provided vector. """ ring = tangent_vector.bundle().base_ring() if tangent_vector.polygon_label() == self._saved_label: p = tangent_vector.point() v = self._domain.polygon(self._saved_label).vertex(self._glued_edge) e = self._domain.polygon(self._saved_label).edge(self._glued_edge) from flatsurf.geometry.euclidean import ccw wp = ccw(p - v, e) if wp > 0: # in polygon with the removed label return self.domain().tangent_vector( self._removed_label, (~self._remove_map)(tangent_vector.point()), (~self._remove_map_derivative) * tangent_vector.vector(), ring=ring, ) if wp < 0: # in polygon with the removed label return self.domain().tangent_vector( self._saved_label, tangent_vector.point(), tangent_vector.vector(), ring=ring, ) # Otherwise wp==0 w = tangent_vector.vector() wp = ccw(w, e) if wp > 0: # in polygon with the removed label return self.domain().tangent_vector( self._removed_label, (~self._remove_map)(tangent_vector.point()), (~self._remove_map_derivative) * tangent_vector.vector(), ring=ring, ) return self.domain().tangent_vector( self._saved_label, tangent_vector.point(), tangent_vector.vector(), ring=ring, ) else: return self._domain.tangent_vector( tangent_vector.polygon_label(), tangent_vector.point(), tangent_vector.vector(), ring=ring, )
[docs]class SplitPolygonsMapping(SurfaceMapping): r""" Class for cutting a polygon along a diagonal. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: s=translation_surfaces.veech_2n_gon(4) sage: from flatsurf.geometry.mappings import SplitPolygonsMapping sage: m = SplitPolygonsMapping(s,0,0,2) sage: s2=m.codomain() sage: TestSuite(s2).run() sage: s2.labels() (0, 1) sage: s2.polygons() (Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (1/2*a + 1, 1/2*a), (1/2*a + 1, 1/2*a + 1), (1, a + 1), (0, a + 1), (-1/2*a, 1/2*a + 1), (-1/2*a, 1/2*a)]), Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (-1/2*a - 1, -1/2*a), (-1/2*a, -1/2*a)])) sage: s2.gluings() (((0, 0), (1, 0)), ((0, 1), (0, 5)), ((0, 2), (0, 6)), ((0, 3), (1, 1)), ((0, 4), (1, 2)), ((0, 5), (0, 1)), ((0, 6), (0, 2)), ((1, 0), (0, 0)), ((1, 1), (0, 3)), ((1, 2), (0, 4))) """ def __init__(self, s, p, v1, v2, new_label=None): r""" Split the polygon with label p of surface s along the diagonal joining vertex v1 to vertex v2. Warning: We do not ensure that new_label is not already in the list of labels unless it is None (as by default). """ if s.is_mutable(): raise ValueError("The surface should be immutable.") poly = s.polygon(p) ne = len(poly.vertices()) if v1 < 0 or v2 < 0 or v1 >= ne or v2 >= ne: raise ValueError("Provided vertices out of bounds.") if abs(v1 - v2) <= 1 or abs(v1 - v2) >= ne - 1: raise ValueError("Provided diagonal is not a diagonal.") if v2 < v1: temp = v1 v1 = v2 v2 = temp newedges1 = [poly.vertex(v2) - poly.vertex(v1)] for i in range(v2, v1 + ne): newedges1.append(poly.edge(i)) from flatsurf import Polygon newpoly1 = Polygon(edges=newedges1, base_ring=s.base_ring()) newedges2 = [poly.vertex(v1) - poly.vertex(v2)] for i in range(v1, v2): newedges2.append(poly.edge(i)) newpoly2 = Polygon(edges=newedges2, base_ring=s.base_ring()) from flatsurf.geometry.surface import MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface ss2 = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface.from_surface(s) s2 = ss2 s2.remove_polygon(p) s2.add_polygon(newpoly1, label=p) new_label = s2.add_polygon(newpoly2, label=new_label) old_to_new_labels = {} for i in range(ne): if i < v1: old_to_new_labels[i] = (p, i + ne - v2 + 1) elif i < v2: old_to_new_labels[i] = (new_label, i - v1 + 1) else: # i>=v2 old_to_new_labels[i] = (p, i - v2 + 1) new_to_old_labels = {} for i, pair in old_to_new_labels.items(): new_to_old_labels[pair] = i # This glues the split polygons together. s2.glue((p, 0), (new_label, 0)) for e in range(ne): ll, ee = old_to_new_labels[e] lll, eee = s.opposite_edge(p, e) if lll == p: gl, ge = old_to_new_labels[eee] s2.glue((ll, ee), (gl, ge)) else: s2.glue((ll, ee), (lll, eee)) s2.set_immutable() self._p = p self._v1 = v1 self._v2 = v2 self._new_label = new_label from flatsurf.geometry.similarity import SimilarityGroup TG = SimilarityGroup(s.base_ring()) self._tp = TG(-s.polygon(p).vertex(v1)) self._tnew_label = TG(-s.polygon(p).vertex(v2)) SurfaceMapping.__init__(self, s, ss2)
[docs] def push_vector_forward(self, tangent_vector): r"""Applies the mapping to the provided vector.""" ring = tangent_vector.bundle().base_ring() if tangent_vector.polygon_label() == self._p: point = tangent_vector.point() vertex1 = self._domain.polygon(self._p).vertex(self._v1) vertex2 = self._domain.polygon(self._p).vertex(self._v2) from flatsurf.geometry.euclidean import ccw wp = ccw(vertex2 - vertex1, point - vertex1) if wp > 0: # in new polygon 1 return self.codomain().tangent_vector( self._p, self._tp(tangent_vector.point()), tangent_vector.vector(), ring=ring, ) if wp < 0: # in new polygon 2 return self.codomain().tangent_vector( self._new_label, self._tnew_label(tangent_vector.point()), tangent_vector.vector(), ring=ring, ) # Otherwise wp==0 w = tangent_vector.vector() wp = ccw(vertex2 - vertex1, w) if wp > 0: # in new polygon 1 return self.codomain().tangent_vector( self._p, self._tp(tangent_vector.point()), tangent_vector.vector(), ring=ring, ) # in new polygon 2 return self.codomain().tangent_vector( self._new_label, self._tnew_label(tangent_vector.point()), tangent_vector.vector(), ring=ring, ) else: # Not in a polygon that was changed. Just copy the data. return self._codomain.tangent_vector( tangent_vector.polygon_label(), tangent_vector.point(), tangent_vector.vector(), ring=ring, )
[docs] def pull_vector_back(self, tangent_vector): r"""Applies the pullback mapping to the provided vector.""" ring = tangent_vector.bundle().base_ring() if tangent_vector.polygon_label() == self._p: return self._domain.tangent_vector( self._p, (~self._tp)(tangent_vector.point()), tangent_vector.vector(), ring=ring, ) elif tangent_vector.polygon_label() == self._new_label: return self._domain.tangent_vector( self._p, (~self._tnew_label)(tangent_vector.point()), tangent_vector.vector(), ring=ring, ) else: # Not in a polygon that was changed. Just copy the data. return self._domain.tangent_vector( tangent_vector.polygon_label(), tangent_vector.point(), tangent_vector.vector(), ring=ring, )
[docs]def subdivide_a_polygon(s): r""" Return a SurfaceMapping which cuts one polygon along a diagonal or None if the surface is triangulated. """ from flatsurf.geometry.euclidean import ccw for label, poly in zip(s.labels(), s.polygons()): n = len(poly.vertices()) if n > 3: for i in range(n): e1 = poly.edge(i) e2 = poly.edge((i + 1) % n) if ccw(e1, e2) != 0: return SplitPolygonsMapping(s, label, i, (i + 2) % n) raise ValueError( "Unable to triangulate polygon with label " + str(label) + ": " + str(poly) ) return None
[docs]def triangulation_mapping(s): r""" Return a SurfaceMapping triangulating ``s``. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: s=translation_surfaces.veech_2n_gon(4) sage: from flatsurf.geometry.mappings import triangulation_mapping sage: m=triangulation_mapping(s) sage: s2=m.codomain() sage: TestSuite(s2).run() sage: s2.polygons() (Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (-1/2*a, 1/2*a + 1), (-1/2*a, 1/2*a)]), Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (1/2*a, -1/2*a - 1), (1/2*a, 1/2*a)]), Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (-1/2*a - 1, -1/2*a - 1), (0, -1)]), Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (-1, -a - 1), (1/2*a, -1/2*a)]), Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (0, -a - 1), (1, 0)]), Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (-1/2*a - 1, -1/2*a), (-1/2*a, -1/2*a)])) """ if not s.is_finite_type(): raise NotImplementedError m = subdivide_a_polygon(s) if m is None: return None s1 = m.codomain() while True: m2 = subdivide_a_polygon(s1) if m2 is None: return m s1 = m2.codomain() m = SurfaceMappingComposition(m, m2) return m
[docs]def flip_edge_mapping(s, p1, e1): r""" Return a mapping whose domain is s which flips the provided edge. """ m1 = SimilarityJoinPolygonsMapping(s, p1, e1) v1, v2 = m1.glued_vertices() removed_label = m1.removed_label() m2 = SplitPolygonsMapping( m1.codomain(), p1, (v1 + 1) % 4, (v1 + 3) % 4, new_label=removed_label ) return SurfaceMappingComposition(m1, m2)
[docs]def one_delaunay_flip_mapping(s): r""" Returns one delaunay flip, or none if no flips are needed. """ for p, poly in zip(s.labels(), s.polygons()): for e in range(len(poly.vertices())): if s._delaunay_edge_needs_flip(p, e): return flip_edge_mapping(s, p, e) return None
[docs]def delaunay_triangulation_mapping(s): r""" Returns a mapping to a Delaunay triangulation or None if the surface already is Delaunay triangulated. """ if not s.is_finite_type(): raise NotImplementedError m = triangulation_mapping(s) if m is None: s1 = s else: s1 = m.codomain() m1 = one_delaunay_flip_mapping(s1) if m1 is None: return m if m is None: m = m1 else: m = SurfaceMappingComposition(m, m1) s1 = m1.codomain() while True: m1 = one_delaunay_flip_mapping(s1) if m1 is None: return m s1 = m1.codomain() m = SurfaceMappingComposition(m, m1)
[docs]def delaunay_decomposition_mapping(s): r""" Returns a mapping to a Delaunay decomposition or possibly None if the surface already is Delaunay. """ m = delaunay_triangulation_mapping(s) if m is None: s1 = s else: s1 = m.codomain() joins = set() edge_vectors = [] for p, poly in zip(s1.labels(), s1.polygons()): for e in range(len(poly.vertices())): pp, ee = s1.opposite_edge(p, e) if (pp, ee) in joins: continue if s1._delaunay_edge_needs_join(p, e): joins.add((p, e)) edge_vectors.append(s1.tangent_vector(p, poly.vertex(e), poly.edge(e))) if len(edge_vectors) > 0: ev = edge_vectors.pop() p, e = ev.edge_pointing_along() m1 = SimilarityJoinPolygonsMapping(s1, p, e) s2 = m1.codomain() while len(edge_vectors) > 0: ev = edge_vectors.pop() ev2 = m1.push_vector_forward(ev) p, e = ev2.edge_pointing_along() mtemp = SimilarityJoinPolygonsMapping(s2, p, e) m1 = SurfaceMappingComposition(m1, mtemp) s2 = m1.codomain() if m is None: return m1 else: return SurfaceMappingComposition(m, m1) return m
[docs]def canonical_first_vertex(polygon): r""" Return the index of the vertex with smallest y-coordinate. If two vertices have the same y-coordinate, then the one with least x-coordinate is returned. """ best = 0 best_pt = polygon.vertex(best) for v in range(1, len(polygon.vertices())): pt = polygon.vertex(v) if pt[1] < best_pt[1]: best = v best_pt = pt if best == 0: if pt[1] == best_pt[1]: return v return best
[docs]class CanonicalizePolygonsMapping(SurfaceMapping): r""" This is a mapping to a surface with the polygon vertices canonically determined. A canonical labeling is when the canonocal_first_vertex is the zero vertex. """ def __init__(self, s): r""" Split the polygon with label p of surface s along the diagonal joining vertex v1 to vertex v2. """ if not s.is_finite_type(): raise ValueError("Currently only works with finite surfaces.") ring = s.base_ring() from flatsurf.geometry.similarity import SimilarityGroup T = SimilarityGroup(ring) cv = {} # dictionary for canonical vertices translations = {} # translations bringing the canonical vertex to the origin. from flatsurf.geometry.surface import MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface s2 = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface(ring) for label, polygon in zip(s.labels(), s.polygons()): cv[label] = cvcur = canonical_first_vertex(polygon) newedges = [] for i in range(len(polygon.vertices())): newedges.append(polygon.edge((i + cvcur) % len(polygon.vertices()))) from flatsurf import Polygon s2.add_polygon(Polygon(edges=newedges, base_ring=ring), label=label) translations[label] = T(-polygon.vertex(cvcur)) for l1, polygon in zip(s.labels(), s.polygons()): for e1 in range(len(polygon.vertices())): l2, e2 = s.opposite_edge(l1, e1) ee1 = (e1 - cv[l1] + len(polygon.vertices())) % len(polygon.vertices()) polygon2 = s.polygon(l2) ee2 = (e2 - cv[l2] + len(polygon2.vertices())) % len( polygon2.vertices() ) # newgluing.append( ( (l1,ee1),(l2,ee2) ) ) s2.glue((l1, ee1), (l2, ee2)) s2.set_roots(s.roots()) s2.set_immutable() ss2 = s2 self._cv = cv self._translations = translations SurfaceMapping.__init__(self, s, ss2)
[docs] def push_vector_forward(self, tangent_vector): r"""Applies the mapping to the provided vector.""" ring = tangent_vector.bundle().base_ring() label = tangent_vector.polygon_label() return self.codomain().tangent_vector( label, self._translations[label](tangent_vector.point()), tangent_vector.vector(), ring=ring, )
[docs] def pull_vector_back(self, tangent_vector): r"""Applies the pullback mapping to the provided vector.""" ring = tangent_vector.bundle().base_ring() label = tangent_vector.polygon_label() return self.domain().tangent_vector( label, (~self._translations[label])(tangent_vector.point()), tangent_vector.vector(), ring=ring, )
[docs]class ReindexMapping(SurfaceMapping): r""" Apply a dictionary to relabel the polygons. """ def __init__(self, s, relabler, new_base_label=None): r""" The parameters should be a surface and a dictionary which takes as input a label and produces a new label. """ if not s.is_finite_type(): raise ValueError("Currently only works with finite surfaces." "") f = {} # map for labels going forward. b = {} # map for labels going backward. for label in s.labels(): if label in relabler: l2 = relabler[label] f[label] = l2 if l2 in b: raise ValueError( "Provided dictionary has two keys mapping to the same value. Or you are mapping to a label you didn't change." ) b[l2] = label else: # If no key then don't change the label f[label] = label if label in b: raise ValueError( "Provided dictionary has two keys mapping to the same value. Or you are mapping to a label you didn't change." ) b[label] = label self._f = f self._b = b if new_base_label is None: if s.root() in f: new_base_label = f[s.root()] else: new_base_label = s.root() from flatsurf.geometry.surface import MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface s2 = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface.from_surface(s) s2.relabel(relabler, in_place=True) s2.set_roots([new_base_label]) s2.set_immutable() SurfaceMapping.__init__(self, s, s2)
[docs] def push_vector_forward(self, tangent_vector): r"""Applies the mapping to the provided vector.""" # There is no change- we just move it to the new surface. ring = tangent_vector.bundle().base_ring() return self.codomain().tangent_vector( self._f[tangent_vector.polygon_label()], tangent_vector.point(), tangent_vector.vector(), ring=ring, )
[docs] def pull_vector_back(self, tangent_vector): r"""Applies the pullback mapping to the provided vector.""" ring = tangent_vector.bundle().base_ring() return self.domain().tangent_vector( self._b[tangent_vector.polygon_label()], tangent_vector.point(), tangent_vector.vector(), ring=ring, )
[docs]def my_sgn(val): if val > 0: return 1 elif val < 0: return -1 else: return 0
[docs]def polygon_compare(poly1, poly2): r""" Compare two polygons first by area, then by number of sides, then by lexicographical ordering on edge vectors.""" # This should not be used is broken!! # from sage.functions.generalized import sgn res = my_sgn(-poly1.area() + poly2.area()) if res != 0: return res res = my_sgn(len(poly1.vertices()) - len(poly2.vertices())) if res != 0: return res ne = len(poly1.vertices()) for i in range(0, ne - 1): edge_diff = poly1.edge(i) - poly2.edge(i) res = my_sgn(edge_diff[0]) if res != 0: return res res = my_sgn(edge_diff[1]) if res != 0: return res return 0
[docs]def canonicalize_translation_surface_mapping(s): r""" Return the translation surface in a canonical form. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: s = translation_surfaces.octagon_and_squares().canonicalize() sage: TestSuite(s).run() sage: a = s.base_ring().gen() # a is the square root of 2. sage: from flatsurf.geometry.mappings import GL2RMapping sage: from flatsurf.geometry.mappings import canonicalize_translation_surface_mapping sage: mat=Matrix([[1,2+a],[0,1]]) sage: from flatsurf.geometry.mappings import GL2RMapping sage: m1=GL2RMapping(s, mat) sage: m2=canonicalize_translation_surface_mapping(m1.codomain()) sage: m=m2*m1 sage: m.domain().cmp(m.codomain()) 0 sage: TestSuite(m.codomain()).run() sage: s=m.domain() sage: v=s.tangent_vector(0,(0,0),(1,1)) sage: w=m.push_vector_forward(v) sage: print(w) SimilaritySurfaceTangentVector in polygon 0 based at (0, 0) with vector (a + 3, 1) """ from flatsurf.geometry.categories import TranslationSurfaces if not s.is_finite_type(): raise NotImplementedError if s not in TranslationSurfaces(): raise ValueError("Only defined for TranslationSurfaces") m1 = delaunay_decomposition_mapping(s) if m1 is None: s2 = s else: s2 = m1.codomain() m2 = CanonicalizePolygonsMapping(s2) if m1 is None: m = m2 else: m = SurfaceMappingComposition(m1, m2) s2 = m.codomain() # This is essentially copy & paste from canonicalize() from TranslationSurfaces() from flatsurf.geometry.surface import MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface s2copy = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface.from_surface(s2) ss = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface.from_surface(s2) labels = set(s2.labels()) for label in labels: ss.set_roots([label]) if ss.cmp(s2copy) > 0: s2copy.set_roots([label]) s2copy.set_immutable() # We now have the base_label correct. # We will use the label walk to generate the canonical labeling of polygons. labels = {label: i for (i, label) in enumerate(s2copy.labels())} m3 = ReindexMapping(s2, labels, 0) return SurfaceMappingComposition(m, m3)
[docs]class GL2RMapping(SurfaceMapping): r""" This class pushes a surface forward under a matrix. Note that for matrices of negative determinant we need to relabel edges (because edges must have a counterclockwise cyclic order). For each n-gon in the surface, we relabel edges according to the involution `e \mapsto n-1-e`. EXAMPLE:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: s=translation_surfaces.veech_2n_gon(4) sage: from flatsurf.geometry.mappings import GL2RMapping sage: mat=Matrix([[2,1],[1,1]]) sage: m=GL2RMapping(s,mat) sage: TestSuite(m.codomain()).run() """ def __init__(self, s, m, category=None): r""" Hit the surface s with the 2x2 matrix m which should have positive determinant. """ from flatsurf.geometry.lazy import GL2RImageSurface codomain = GL2RImageSurface(s, m, category=category or s.category()) self._m = m self._im = ~m SurfaceMapping.__init__(self, s, codomain)
[docs] def push_vector_forward(self, tangent_vector): r"""Applies the mapping to the provided vector.""" return self.codomain().tangent_vector( tangent_vector.polygon_label(), self._m * tangent_vector.point(), self._m * tangent_vector.vector(), )
[docs] def pull_vector_back(self, tangent_vector): r"""Applies the inverse of the mapping to the provided vector.""" return self.domain().tangent_vector( tangent_vector.polygon_label(), self._im * tangent_vector.point(), self._im * tangent_vector.vector(), )