Source code for flatsurf.geometry.minimal_cover


Usually, you do not interact with the types in this module directly but call
``minimal_cover()`` on a surface::

    sage: from flatsurf import polygons, similarity_surfaces
    sage: S = similarity_surfaces.billiard(polygons.triangle(2, 3, 5))

    sage: S.minimal_cover("translation")
    Minimal Translation Cover of Genus 0 Rational Cone Surface built from 2 right triangles
    sage: S.minimal_cover("half-translation")
    Minimal Half-Translation Cover of Genus 0 Rational Cone Surface built from 2 right triangles
    sage: S.minimal_cover("planar")
    Minimal Planar Cover of Genus 0 Rational Cone Surface built from 2 right triangles

# ********************************************************************
#  This file is part of sage-flatsurf.
#        Copyright (C) 2018-2019 W. Patrick Hooper
#                      2020-2022 Vincent Delecroix
#                      2021-2023 Julian Rüth
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from sage.matrix.constructor import matrix
from sage.misc.cachefunc import cached_method

from flatsurf.geometry.surface import OrientedSimilaritySurface

def _is_finite(surface):
    Return whether ``surface`` is a finite rational cone surface.
    if not surface.is_finite_type():
        return False

    from flatsurf.geometry.categories import ConeSurfaces

    if surface in ConeSurfaces().Rational():
        return True

    surface = surface.reposition_polygons()

    for label in surface.labels():
        polygon = surface.polygon(label)

        for e in range(len(polygon.vertices())):
            m = surface.edge_matrix(label, e)

            from flatsurf.geometry.euclidean import is_cosine_sine_of_rational

            if not is_cosine_sine_of_rational(m[0][0], m[0][1]):
                return False

    return True

[docs]class MinimalTranslationCover(OrientedSimilaritySurface): r""" EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface, Polygon, similarity_surfaces, polygons sage: from flatsurf.geometry.minimal_cover import MinimalTranslationCover sage: s = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface(QQ) sage: s.add_polygon(Polygon(vertices=[(0,0),(5,0),(0,5)])) 0 sage: s.add_polygon(Polygon(vertices=[(0,0),(3,4),(-4,3)])) 1 sage: s.glue((0, 0), (1, 2)) sage: s.glue((0, 1), (1, 1)) sage: s.glue((0, 2), (1, 0)) sage: s.set_immutable() sage: ss = s.minimal_cover("translation") sage: isinstance(ss, MinimalTranslationCover) True sage: ss.is_finite_type() True sage: len(ss.polygons()) 8 sage: TestSuite(ss).run() The following is to test that unfolding is reasonably fast on the instances reported in sage: T = polygons.triangle(2, 13, 26) sage: S = similarity_surfaces.billiard(T) sage: S = S.minimal_cover("translation") sage: S Minimal Translation Cover of Genus 0 Rational Cone Surface built from 2 triangles TESTS:: sage: from flatsurf.geometry.categories import TranslationSurfaces sage: S in TranslationSurfaces() True """ def __init__(self, similarity_surface, category=None): if similarity_surface.is_mutable(): if similarity_surface.is_finite_type(): from flatsurf.geometry.surface import MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface similarity_surface = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface.from_surface( similarity_surface ) else: raise NotImplementedError( "can not construct MinimalTranslationCover of a surface that is mutable and infinite" ) if similarity_surface.is_with_boundary(): raise TypeError("surface must be without boundary") self._ss = similarity_surface from flatsurf.geometry.categories import TranslationSurfaces if category is None: category = TranslationSurfaces() category &= TranslationSurfaces() category = category.WithoutBoundary() if _is_finite(self._ss): category = category.FiniteType() else: category = category.InfiniteType() if similarity_surface.is_connected(): category = category.Connected() if self.is_compact(): category = category.Compact() OrientedSimilaritySurface.__init__( self, self._ss.base_ring(), category=category )
[docs] def roots(self): r""" Return root labels for the polygons forming the connected components of this surface. This implements :meth:`flatsurf.geometry.categories.polygonal_surfaces.PolygonalSurfaces.ParentMethods.roots`. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import polygons, similarity_surfaces sage: S = similarity_surfaces.billiard(polygons.triangle(2, 3, 5)).minimal_cover("translation") sage: S.roots() ((0, 1, 0),) """ self._F = self._ss.base_ring() return tuple( (label,, for label in self._ss.roots() )
[docs] def is_mutable(self): r""" Return whether this surface is mutable, i.e., return ``False``. This implements :meth:`flatsurf.geometry.categories.topological_surfaces.TopologicalSurfaces.ParentMethods.is_mutable`. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import polygons, similarity_surfaces sage: S = similarity_surfaces.billiard(polygons.triangle(2, 3, 5)).minimal_cover("translation") sage: S.is_mutable() False """ return False
[docs] def is_compact(self): r""" Return whether this surface is compact as a topological space. This implements :meth:`flatsurf.geometry.categories.topological_surfaces.TopologicalSurfaces.ParentMethods.is_compact`. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: S = translation_surfaces.infinite_staircase().minimal_cover("translation") sage: S.is_compact() False :: sage: from flatsurf import polygons, similarity_surfaces sage: S = similarity_surfaces.billiard(polygons.triangle(2, 3, 5)).minimal_cover("translation") sage: S.is_compact() True """ if not self._ss.is_compact(): return False if not self._ss.is_rational_surface(): return False return True
[docs] @cached_method def polygon(self, label): r""" Return the polygon with ``label``. This implements :meth:`flatsurf.geometry.categories.polygonal_surfaces.PolygonalSurfaces.ParentMethods.polygon`. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: from flatsurf import polygons, similarity_surfaces sage: S = similarity_surfaces.billiard(polygons.triangle(2, 3, 5)).minimal_cover("translation") sage: S.polygon((0, 1, 0)) Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (1, 0), (1/4*c^2 - 1/4, 1/4*c)]) """ if not isinstance(label, tuple) or len(label) != 3: raise ValueError("invalid label {!r}".format(label)) return matrix([[label[1], -label[2]], [label[2], label[1]]]) * self._ss.polygon( label[0] )
[docs] @cached_method def opposite_edge(self, label, edge): r""" Return the polygon label and edge index when crossing over the ``edge`` of the polygon ``label``. This implements :meth:`flatsurf.geometry.categories.polygonal_surfaces.PolygonalSurfaces.ParentMethods.opposite_edge`. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: from flatsurf import polygons, similarity_surfaces sage: S = similarity_surfaces.billiard(polygons.triangle(2, 3, 5)).minimal_cover("translation") sage: S.opposite_edge((0, 1, 0), 0) ((1, 1, 0), 2) """ pp, a, b = label # this is the polygon m * ss.polygon(p) p2, e2 = self._ss.opposite_edge(pp, edge) m = self._ss.edge_matrix(p2, e2) aa = a * m[0][0] - b * m[1][0] bb = b * m[0][0] + a * m[1][0] return ((p2, aa, bb), e2)
def _repr_(self): r""" Return a printable representation of this surface. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: from flatsurf import polygons, similarity_surfaces sage: S = similarity_surfaces.billiard(polygons.triangle(2, 3, 5)).minimal_cover("translation") sage: S Minimal Translation Cover of Genus 0 Rational Cone Surface built from 2 right triangles """ return f"Minimal Translation Cover of {repr(self._ss)}" def __hash__(self): r""" Return a hash value for this surface that is compatible with :meth:`__eq__`. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: S = translation_surfaces.infinite_staircase() sage: hash(S.minimal_cover("translation")) == hash(S.minimal_cover("translation")) True """ return hash(self._ss) def __eq__(self, other): r""" Return whether this surface is indistinguishable from ``other``. See :meth:`SimilaritySurfaces.FiniteType._test_eq_surface` for details on this notion of equality. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import polygons, similarity_surfaces sage: T = polygons.triangle(2, 13, 26) sage: S = similarity_surfaces.billiard(T) sage: S.minimal_cover("translation") == S.minimal_cover("translation") True :: sage: TT = polygons.triangle(2, 15, 26) sage: SS = similarity_surfaces.billiard(TT) sage: SS = SS.minimal_cover("translation") sage: S == SS False """ if not isinstance(other, MinimalTranslationCover): return False return self._ss == other._ss
[docs]class MinimalHalfTranslationCover(OrientedSimilaritySurface): r""" EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface, Polygon, similarity_surfaces, polygons sage: from flatsurf.geometry.minimal_cover import MinimalHalfTranslationCover sage: s = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface(QQ) sage: s.add_polygon(Polygon(vertices=[(0,0),(5,0),(0,5)])) 0 sage: s.add_polygon(Polygon(vertices=[(0,0),(3,4),(-4,3)])) 1 sage: s.glue((0, 0), (1, 2)) sage: s.glue((0, 1), (1, 1)) sage: s.glue((0, 2), (1, 0)) sage: s.set_immutable() sage: ss = s.minimal_cover("half-translation") sage: isinstance(ss, MinimalHalfTranslationCover) True sage: ss.is_finite_type() True sage: len(ss.polygons()) 4 sage: TestSuite(ss).run() The following is to test that unfolding is reasonably fast on the instances reported in sage: T = polygons.triangle(2, 13, 26) sage: S = similarity_surfaces.billiard(T) sage: S = S.minimal_cover("half-translation") sage: S Minimal Half-Translation Cover of Genus 0 Rational Cone Surface built from 2 triangles TESTS:: sage: from flatsurf.geometry.categories import DilationSurfaces sage: S in DilationSurfaces() True """ def __init__(self, similarity_surface, category=None): if similarity_surface.is_mutable(): if similarity_surface.is_finite_type(): from flatsurf.geometry.surface import MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface self._ss = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface.from_surface( similarity_surface ) self._ss.set_immutable() else: raise ValueError( "Can not construct MinimalTranslationCover of a surface that is mutable and infinite." ) else: self._ss = similarity_surface if similarity_surface.is_with_boundary(): raise TypeError( "can only build translation cover of surfaces without boundary" ) from flatsurf.geometry.categories import HalfTranslationSurfaces if category is None: category = HalfTranslationSurfaces() category &= HalfTranslationSurfaces() if _is_finite(self._ss): category = category.FiniteType() else: category = category.InfiniteType() category = category.WithoutBoundary() if similarity_surface.is_connected(): category = category.Connected() OrientedSimilaritySurface.__init__( self, self._ss.base_ring(), category=category )
[docs] def roots(self): r""" Return root labels for the polygons forming the connected components of this surface. This implements :meth:`flatsurf.geometry.categories.polygonal_surfaces.PolygonalSurfaces.ParentMethods.roots`. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import polygons, similarity_surfaces sage: S = similarity_surfaces.billiard(polygons.triangle(2, 3, 5)).minimal_cover("half-translation") sage: S.roots() ((0, 1, 0),) """ self._F = self._ss.base_ring() return tuple( (label,, for label in self._ss.roots() )
[docs] def is_mutable(self): r""" Return whether this surface is mutable, i.e., return ``False``. This implements :meth:`flatsurf.geometry.categories.topological_surfaces.TopologicalSurfaces.ParentMethods.is_mutable`. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import polygons, similarity_surfaces sage: S = similarity_surfaces.billiard(polygons.triangle(2, 3, 5)).minimal_cover("half-translation") sage: S.is_mutable() False """ return False
def _repr_(self): r""" Return a printable representation of this surface. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: from flatsurf import polygons, similarity_surfaces sage: S = similarity_surfaces.billiard(polygons.triangle(2, 3, 5)).minimal_cover("half-translation") sage: S Minimal Half-Translation Cover of Genus 0 Rational Cone Surface built from 2 right triangles """ return f"Minimal Half-Translation Cover of {repr(self._ss)}"
[docs] def polygon(self, label): r""" Return the polygon with ``label``. This implements :meth:`flatsurf.geometry.categories.polygonal_surfaces.PolygonalSurfaces.ParentMethods.polygon`. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: from flatsurf import polygons, similarity_surfaces sage: S = similarity_surfaces.billiard(polygons.triangle(2, 3, 5)).minimal_cover("half-translation") sage: S.polygon((0, 1, 0)) Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (1, 0), (1/4*c^2 - 1/4, 1/4*c)]) """ if not isinstance(label, tuple) or len(label) != 3: raise ValueError("invalid label {!r}".format(label)) return matrix([[label[1], -label[2]], [label[2], label[1]]]) * self._ss.polygon( label[0] )
[docs] def opposite_edge(self, label, edge): r""" Return the polygon label and edge index when crossing over the ``edge`` of the polygon ``label``. This implements :meth:`flatsurf.geometry.categories.polygonal_surfaces.PolygonalSurfaces.ParentMethods.opposite_edge`. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: from flatsurf import polygons, similarity_surfaces sage: S = similarity_surfaces.billiard(polygons.triangle(2, 3, 5)).minimal_cover("half-translation") sage: S.opposite_edge((0, 1, 0), 0) ((1, 1, 0), 2) """ pp, a, b = label # this is the polygon m * ss.polygon(p) p2, e2 = self._ss.opposite_edge(pp, edge) m = self._ss.edge_matrix(pp, edge) aa = a * m[0][0] + b * m[1][0] bb = b * m[0][0] - a * m[1][0] if aa > 0 or (aa == 0 and bb > 0): return ((p2, aa, bb), e2) else: return ((p2, -aa, -bb), e2)
def __hash__(self): r""" Return a hash value for this surface that is compatible with :meth:`__eq__`. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: S = translation_surfaces.infinite_staircase() sage: hash(S.minimal_cover("half-translation")) == hash(S.minimal_cover("half-translation")) True """ return hash(self._ss) def __eq__(self, other): r""" Return whether this surface is indistinguishable from ``other``. See :meth:`SimilaritySurfaces.FiniteType._test_eq_surface` for details on this notion of equality. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import polygons, similarity_surfaces sage: T = polygons.triangle(2, 13, 26) sage: S = similarity_surfaces.billiard(T) sage: S.minimal_cover("half-translation") == S.minimal_cover("half-translation") True :: sage: TT = polygons.triangle(2, 15, 26) sage: SS = similarity_surfaces.billiard(TT) sage: SS = SS.minimal_cover("half-translation") sage: S == SS False """ if not isinstance(other, MinimalHalfTranslationCover): return False return self._ss == other._ss
[docs]class MinimalPlanarCover(OrientedSimilaritySurface): r""" The minimal planar cover of a surface `S` is the smallest cover `C` so that the developing map from the universal cover `U` to the plane induces a well defined map from `C` to the plane. This is a translation surface. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: s = translation_surfaces.square_torus() sage: from flatsurf.geometry.minimal_cover import MinimalPlanarCover sage: pc = s.minimal_cover("planar") sage: isinstance(pc, MinimalPlanarCover) True sage: pc.is_finite_type() False sage: sing = pc.singularity(pc.root(), 0, limit=4) doctest:warning ... UserWarning: Singularity() is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf. Use surface.point() instead. doctest:warning ... UserWarning: limit has been deprecated as a keyword argument when creating points and will be removed without replacement in a future version of sage-flatsurf sage: len(sing.vertex_set()) doctest:warning ... UserWarning: vertex_set() is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf; use representatives() and then vertex = surface.polygon(label).get_point_position(coordinates).get_vertex() instead 4 sage: TestSuite(s).run() """ def __init__(self, similarity_surface, base_label=None, category=None): if similarity_surface.is_mutable(): if similarity_surface.is_finite_type(): from flatsurf.geometry.surface import MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface self._ss = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface.from_surface( similarity_surface ) self._ss.set_immutable() else: raise ValueError( "Can not construct MinimalPlanarCover of a surface that is mutable and infinite." ) else: self._ss = similarity_surface if base_label is not None: import warnings warnings.warn( "the keyword argument base_label of a minimal planar cover is ignored and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf; it had no effect in previous versions of sage-flatsurf" ) if not self._ss.is_connected(): raise NotImplementedError( "can only create a minimal planar cover of connected surfaces" ) # The similarity group containing edge identifications. self._sg = self._ss.edge_transformation(self._ss.root(), 0).parent() self._root = (self._ss.root(), if similarity_surface.is_with_boundary(): raise TypeError( "can only build translation cover of surfaces without boundary" ) from flatsurf.geometry.categories import TranslationSurfaces if category is None: category = TranslationSurfaces() category &= TranslationSurfaces().InfiniteType() category = category.WithoutBoundary() if similarity_surface.is_connected(): category = category.Connected() OrientedSimilaritySurface.__init__( self, self._ss.base_ring(), category=category ) def _repr_(self): r""" Return a printable representation of this surface. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: S = translation_surfaces.square_torus().minimal_cover("planar") sage: S Minimal Planar Cover of Translation Surface in H_1(0) built from a square """ return f"Minimal Planar Cover of {repr(self._ss)}"
[docs] def is_compact(self): r""" Return whether this surface is compact as a topological space, i.e., return ``False``. This implements :meth:`flatsurf.geometry.categories.topological_surfaces.TopologicalSurfaces.ParentMethods.is_compact`. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: S = translation_surfaces.square_torus().minimal_cover("planar") sage: S.is_compact() False """ return False
[docs] def roots(self): r""" Return root labels for the polygons forming the connected components of this surface. This implements :meth:`flatsurf.geometry.categories.polygonal_surfaces.PolygonalSurfaces.ParentMethods.roots`. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: S = translation_surfaces.square_torus().minimal_cover("planar") sage: S.roots() ((0, (x, y) |-> (x, y)),) """ return (self._root,)
[docs] def is_mutable(self): r""" Return whether this surface is mutable, i.e., return ``False``. This implements :meth:`flatsurf.geometry.categories.topological_surfaces.TopologicalSurfaces.ParentMethods.is_mutable`. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: S = translation_surfaces.square_torus().minimal_cover("planar") sage: S.is_mutable() False """ return False
[docs] def polygon(self, label): r""" Return the polygon with ``label``. This implements :meth:`flatsurf.geometry.categories.polygonal_surfaces.PolygonalSurfaces.ParentMethods.polygon`. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: S = translation_surfaces.square_torus().minimal_cover("planar") sage: root = S.root() sage: S.polygon(root) Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)]) """ if not isinstance(label, tuple) or len(label) != 2: raise ValueError("invalid label {!r}".format(label)) return label[1](self._ss.polygon(label[0]))
[docs] def opposite_edge(self, label, edge): r""" Return the polygon label and edge index when crossing over the ``edge`` of the polygon ``label``. This implements :meth:`flatsurf.geometry.categories.polygonal_surfaces.PolygonalSurfaces.ParentMethods.opposite_edge`. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: from flatsurf import polygons, similarity_surfaces sage: S = similarity_surfaces.billiard(polygons.triangle(2, 3, 5)).minimal_cover("planar") sage: root = S.root() sage: S.opposite_edge(root, 0) ((1, (x, y) |-> (x, y)), 2) """ pp, m = label # this is the polygon m * ss.polygon(p) p2, e2 = self._ss.opposite_edge(pp, edge) me = self._ss.edge_transformation(pp, edge) mm = m * ~me return ((p2, mm), e2)
def __hash__(self): r""" Return a hash value for this surface that is compatible with :meth:`__eq__`. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: S = translation_surfaces.infinite_staircase() sage: hash(S.minimal_cover("planar")) == hash(S.minimal_cover("planar")) True """ return hash((self._ss, self._root)) def __eq__(self, other): r""" Return whether this surface is indistinguishable from ``other``. See :meth:`SimilaritySurfaces.FiniteType._test_eq_surface` for details on this notion of equality. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import polygons, similarity_surfaces sage: T = polygons.triangle(2, 13, 26) sage: S = similarity_surfaces.billiard(T) sage: S.minimal_cover("planar") == S.minimal_cover("planar") True """ if not isinstance(other, MinimalPlanarCover): return False return self._ss == other._ss and self._root == other._root